Fritzing with the Propeller Platform

So someone turned me onto "Fritzing" a couple weeks ago...
The interface is easy to use, and is designed to take you from breadboard to PCB level.
Fritzing has a Propeller Chip in it's core library, but I thought that it would be nice to have a Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform as well so I've created one and attached it to this post.
It isn't perfect, but very functional. Feel free to clean it up if you are a fritzing expert.
The interface is easy to use, and is designed to take you from breadboard to PCB level.
Fritzing has a Propeller Chip in it's core library, but I thought that it would be nice to have a Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform as well so I've created one and attached it to this post.
It isn't perfect, but very functional. Feel free to clean it up if you are a fritzing expert.


At least the final zip size was 667KB
os in the package, I kept the size of the PPGL pretty big. I wanted something I could see easily.
It was the chain of three numbers (between 5 and 7) that amused me.
What OS version of Fritzing are you using? I'm using PC's here.
I will have to try photo etching at some time.
very good combination of manual and automatic drawing schematics, bredmatics (I mean bread-board schematics and PCB-layouting.
It might not compete with a professional PCB-layout autorouter but perfect for beginners. Very intuitive. (and who knows - can't compete with professional software - yet)
It is really fun to use it!
Give it too years more development and it might be the new hobby-standard.
best regards
It turns out Part -> Import in Fritzing 0.5.2 is looking for a file with the extension fzpz. An fzpz file is just a zip file with the fzp and svg files. Changing the extension of the zip file in the first post to fzpz was enough to make it work.
I got confused because when I tried making and exporting a part, I accidentally selected Export under the bin menu (the folder icon in the parts bin) instead of under the part menu (the LED icon in the parts bin) and got an fzbz file which is a file containing everything in the bin.
Not an expert, but I did manage to copy the pin descriptions from the D40 Propeller chip and add them to your board, with a few odds and ends labels as well. Take a look and if it looks good I'd like to upload your board to Fritzing (maybe get it included in the next core revision?)
Propeller Platform