Wii Classic Controller Object works fine on PS/2 Port.

Here's an idea that should have already happened...
Say goodbye to cramping NES controllers and their funky connectors...
Add a Wii Classic Controller to your Propeller without hacking in another port.

This configuration works fine with both the Demoboard and uController Game Stacker and C3. (See further in the thread for C3 info.)
I've also updated MIGS to include support for this configuration:

Say goodbye to cramping NES controllers and their funky connectors...
Add a Wii Classic Controller to your Propeller without hacking in another port.

This configuration works fine with both the Demoboard and uController Game Stacker and C3. (See further in the thread for C3 info.)
I've also updated MIGS to include support for this configuration:

It would be simpler to use a 1v8 zener in series to cut down the supply voltage. 2 or 3 series diodes would work too. I purchased a Wii Clasic Controller Pro on eBay (esurfstore) for ~$8 including shipping. At this price, cut the Wii connector off and replace with a PS2 (or in my case a USB) plug with the zener in the cable. No need to worry about a pcb.
The classic controller could actually be pretty nice for the CNC project I'm working on...
Using the PS/2 port is not a bad idea either... I guess the Proto and demo boards all come with that connector (as well as my PropBox board
Would be fairly easy to make a little PCB with Wii on one end and a plug for the mouse port on the other...
Does code exist already for the "classic controller" ?
Never mind, I see the code in your first post...
The full object for the Wii Classic Controller is here: http://obex.parallax.com/objects/470/
That makes it a bit harder... Now, it would have to be a cable assembly instead of a simple PCB...
I haven't found a Mini Din 6 male connector made for a PCB, however there are cable assemblies available:
It might be possible to take just the 6 pin header and adapt that for a PCB.
I'm thinking that an LED would be a nice way of dropping the voltage... I think red us usually ~2 VDC...
I attached an image of the assembly on my previous post. I would think that if you were making a PCB, you could make one with a 6 Pin header on one end, and a Wii adapter on the other end.
There are a few WiiChuck PCB's floating around that are close (without the MiniDIN 6 connector, of course):
Maybe something like that? With the Wii adapter being "onboard" really the only other "hardware" required would be something to handle the voltage drop (LED or regulator) and the Mini DIN 6 male header.
The Wii Classic Controller actually ran fine for two days here at 5v. But given that the device is designed for 3v it's probably a good idea to drop the voltage.
I'm picturing a tiny PCB that has a mount for a male PS/2 jack on one side and a slide-on Wii connector on the other.
Bet we could come up with a $5.00 kit based on this...
(using the junction of the LED and the resistor as the supply).
Also, maybe put a 0.1 to 1.0 uF cap across the resistor to stabilize the supply...
I just looked on Amazon and I think the "Wii Classic Controller PRO" looks better as a CNC controller... Looks easier to hold onto...
Ok, I think I like Cluso's idea of the Wii cable extender to PS2 plug. It's only about $2 from digikey. I'm not sure an LED would fit inside, but a zener or 2 diodes should.
Another option may be to skip the cable extender and just splice into the original cable, towards the end. Maybe we can get it so the cable has 2 connectors on the end, PS/2 and Wii... Have to stuff 2 cables and a diode or two into the connector though, might be a tight fit...
The ground connection I was using was a connection to the barrel of the PS/2 connector, there is in fact another connection to the pin itself. DUH. So apparently the demoboard, and uController stacker have a connection between the two that the C3 doesn't.
End result achieved! C3 owners can how have a modern game controller without opening the case that Parallax created for it.