Open source IDE ideas

I'm testing some preliminary ideas here with an open source IDE, with the aim of porting code into something that will run on Linux and on PCs.
Would some kind soul with a Linux box test out this little program for me please?
I can't attach .exe files, and so I renamed it as .txt. Just rename it back to .exe
It is a jabaco program which is Basic translated to Java, so hopefully it will run if you have Java installed. It seems to run in any directory and this will be a most helpful feature.
The program itself is not so important (is it just a skeleton menu at present) - more the question of whether it runs on a variety of machines without too many hassles. Also there are some icons which I hope have been embedded in the file.
Help here would be most appreciated.
Would some kind soul with a Linux box test out this little program for me please?
I can't attach .exe files, and so I renamed it as .txt. Just rename it back to .exe
It is a jabaco program which is Basic translated to Java, so hopefully it will run if you have Java installed. It seems to run in any directory and this will be a most helpful feature.
The program itself is not so important (is it just a skeleton menu at present) - more the question of whether it runs on a variety of machines without too many hassles. Also there are some icons which I hope have been embedded in the file.
Help here would be most appreciated.

Just a suggestion:
In the past I tried to rename executables as text files but sometimes I had problems related to the way a EOL is interpreted. So if by chance yuou have a binary with a similar sequence you can get into trouble. If I remember correcly the problem was related to the "text" protocol used, in place of the bynary one. Maybe a zip file is a safer bet, as it is handled as a binary all around.
I couldn't get it to work with crossover because crossover couldn't install java.
hope this helps.
It may be that it needs to be compiled for linux in order to run on linux, but that should be possible.
Back to coding!
That sounds a good idea. The compiler has an option to compile to .exe or to compile to .jar
I would recommend to use REAL-BASIC Studio to do this in!
You can compile for ALL PLATFORMS. but most importantly you can DEVELOP on All Platforms.
I am assuming you want to make a SPIN/PASM development tool?
Dave M
Also, FreeBASIC runs on both Windows and Linux, so it might be an option for you, depending on what you need from the language.
Re Realbasic, this looks very nice and some of the features look easier to do that with jabaco. However, it is not free, and I have a feeling that some of the open source people are using linux because it is free. Maybe some of the open source users can comment on how much of a driver the cost is, vs other factors (wanting to run different software, speed, not wanting to be tied to MS, bloatware issues etc).
Certainly is suffering a bit from bloatware. I tend to develop code on a slow computer so it runs fast on most computers. It makes me write code differently. I suspect some developers in the big organisations insist the company buys them the fastest computers, which means their code runs slow on most computers. That is my theory anyway. 2008 is taking up to a minute to start up and so I'm not all that keen on going to 2010.
jabaco is only a few seconds which is very nice. Qt for C programmers is also only a few seconds.
Yes that is the aim. I have quite a lot already working - eg nice color syntax highlighting for Pasm/Spin as well as for C and Basic code. I have one crazy bit of demo code that has all 4 languages in it.
If you use real basic I could help you, It has a great OOP Language,
I use real basic to develop all my applications that work with the propeller,
The reason I am suggesting this, is because ALL US MAC USERS seems to miss out on these types of projects, there are plenty of mac users here.
Dave M
Mac - yes, good point.
I did a bit more research on jabaco - yes, programs compiled by jabaco will run on the mac (ie the one above). But... the program development can only be done on a windows machine.
That potentially means mac and linux people can't contribute.
So in an ideal world:
- development on mac, linux and windows
- can run on mac, linux and windows
- reasonable cost or free
I have a simple checklist for testing out suitable programs;
1) can it drive a serial port
2) can it shell programs and detect when the shelled program has finished running
3) is it possible to change the color of all instances of a word in a richtextbox
re JonnyMac, which IDEs are you thinking of?
Eclipse!! That is what it was designed for.
Eclispe is good...
REAL-BASIC Yes, COSt is not free, but don't forget you can use real-basic to write ANY APPLICATION on ANY PLATFORM!
+ I can help you!
And also , WHy do you need JAVA?
Dave M
I have used the bstl to upload binaries to a prop chip, using realbasic
There is also a compiler which you can use that brad c wrote!
I communicate via SERIAL ( USB/232 & RS485 ) all the time using realbasic
There a a trillion tools to manipulate text in any way you like including fancy graphics,
As far as the USER INTERFACE is concerned, You only need to make these once, then when you compile for each platform , the equivalent objects are substituted without any need to write platform specific code for it.
You can write code to include platform specific tasks.
The realbasic language is easy to learn, its VERY EASY to write generic code and don't forget if fully OOP, if you want it that way.
In fact the REALBASIC IDE Interface was written with REALBASIC!
Dave M
That could be handy if the source is available, then you could see how syntax highlighting is done and replicate it. (The code to do this gets a bit slow with programs more than a few hundred lines)
No particular reason except that java seems to be more universal and more likely to be installed already. But it appears there are other ways to do this.Lots of things to check out here. Very exciting!
I found a syntax highlighter + much more example for realbasic. seems pretty extensive! all for free and source code is there to do what ever you like, this one seems to have a few languages already included, seems to do alot,
Now download the demo version of real basic , open this example project, run it, have a play , theres a lot of work already done here, at first glance, it looks like you just have to create some kind of XML file for the SPIN Definitions??
Actually You can open up a spin file ( I just did )
Is there a SPIN syntax definition available?
Dave M
No Seriously,
Has anyone had a look at this?
DEVELOP on ANY PLATFORM, COMPILE FOR ANY or ALL Platforms, 1 Application, 1 language. No need to care ( too much) in what platform you work with.
Dave M
The problem with this is you have to have a different runtime for every platform which means you have to build on each platform. That is not very productive at all. At least with eclipse you create one set of plugins that will run everywhere eclipse does (which is all major OSes).
The other detractor it costs money and eclipse doesn't
I think anything short of that, or at least something done in Java, or GCC, is not going to satisfy the open source folks.
As good as RealBasic may or may not be, I have not tried it, it will not be accepted by the OS folks because of the expense of the compiler.
That's not true!
I can develop on the mac ( or PC or Linux) AND WITH THE PRESS OF ONE BUTTON produce runtimes for each platform at THE SAME TIME!
Ok It costs money, but you can write just about ANY KIND OF APP with it! Well worth a few 100 bucks, if you spend most of your day programming!
It does produce finished apps that LOOK LIKE and PERFORM as finished apps and running native machine code.
I had a look at eclipse still can't work out what the hell it is!, I mean you go to the downloads section , and I get a list of a dozen different things, Which one do you download for developing an IDE for Microcontrollers , Too confusing!
Again, has anyone looked at this..
You will need Realbasic, You can download a trial version, Open this project and run it,
What I was trying to point out you have different binaries for each platform which does become a distribution nightmare. Such is not the case for eclipse. All you need to develop for IDE on eclipse is the one that says plugin development.
And I do program all day for a living and it is on the eclipse platform (java, perl, python, C/C++), so it would be much more productive to have Spin there too.
So How does eclipse handle this?
For a Mac you distribute a ".app", for a PC you use ".exe"
What does eclipse do differently?
Dave M
I believe all of the Eclipse plugins are in Java, so as long as you have the JVM, and of course Eclipse, you are good to go.