USB Memory Stick Datalogger problems
I am trying to use the Parallax USB Memory Stick Datalogger (Item# 27937) connected to the Propeller Proto Board, and I am just stuck.
I have connected the wiring and jumper as described in the document MemoryStickDataloggerV1.1 for SPI mode.
I am using the spin object DataloggerSPI.spin
I am not sure whether I am having software or hardware problems as I have read that the Datalogger doesn't work with all USB Memory Sticks. I have tried 4 different brands of Memory sticks. My first question is: How do I know whether the USB Memory Stick is working on the Datalogger? Will I get a certain LED light? When I connect the Memory sticks and power up the board, the green and red LED's alternately blink for a couple of seconds and then go off. There is no further activity after that even when I run the spin programs.
Assuming that the USB memory sticks and the datalogger are working together properly, my spin object might be the problem. There is a test spin object for the datalogger that is called Datalogger_test.spin; however, this test object requires another object called "MultiCogSerialDebug" which is nowhere to be found. This is why I wrote my own test object which I am attaching, and which doesn't work either.
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you
I have connected the wiring and jumper as described in the document MemoryStickDataloggerV1.1 for SPI mode.
I am using the spin object DataloggerSPI.spin
I am not sure whether I am having software or hardware problems as I have read that the Datalogger doesn't work with all USB Memory Sticks. I have tried 4 different brands of Memory sticks. My first question is: How do I know whether the USB Memory Stick is working on the Datalogger? Will I get a certain LED light? When I connect the Memory sticks and power up the board, the green and red LED's alternately blink for a couple of seconds and then go off. There is no further activity after that even when I run the spin programs.
Assuming that the USB memory sticks and the datalogger are working together properly, my spin object might be the problem. There is a test spin object for the datalogger that is called Datalogger_test.spin; however, this test object requires another object called "MultiCogSerialDebug" which is nowhere to be found. This is why I wrote my own test object which I am attaching, and which doesn't work either.
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you
You can also try the Autodatalogger connection in the OBEX. It comes with test program. IIRC when you write to disk it should flash red on the datalogger.
I use it all the time in UART mode. I have a simple demo program for UART mode if you want it.
I have only two USB thumb drives that will work the the datalogger. Both are old 2 Gig drives. I purchased a drive by the same company (Kingston) and of the same size as one of the drives that work but the new drive didn't work with it. My other working drive is a Star Trek bracket that has a USB drive in it. I received it in the mail after sending in the required cereal box tops. If I had know it was the only source of drives that worked with my datalogger, I'd have purchased a lot more cereal. (I think it was Apple Jacks. Mm, Apple Jacks.)
I'm only using my datalogger until I switch over to SD cards. I personally think SD cards are a much better way of storing data. I haven't had nearly as much trouble finding SD cards that work with the Propeller (I think I only have one very old one that doesn't work).