Yes I forgot the SIZ0, SIZ1, /HALT and /RESET lines. That was just a quick layout to avoid the expense of a CPLD, I did not know that you already had one programmed for the job. I must ask about the speed of your CPLD, will it impact performance of the 020 when running at significantly higher speeds?
Just looked up the price and data sheet for the XC9536 on Digi-Key, wow that is inexpensive, and fast enough for the job with out question. Thank you on this, I usually avoid PLDs due to the expense, these I can afford.
And easily program using 2 '125s and a parallel port!. Remember that there are two versions the normal 5V parts and the 3.3V only parts (5v tolerant). Do not forget to write your code first, simulate it and then get the CPLD. The other way around, trying to fit too much code in a tiny CPLD is not so successful
I just today got ahold of a wide range of 68xx000s, 020s, 030s, and 040s about 200 to 400 of each. These include the full versions, the ECs, HCs, LCs (as applicable) for each generation. There are also about 50 XC68060s in the batch.
I am going to be taking wide range samples and overclocking them to there limits to see what these are. It almost seems as though the Prop was made to work hand in hand with these CPUs.
Put me on for a 040. I'd love to make a board for it !
That thing is huge !... I mean the package... and needs some serious current (up 2 A @ 5V!) . But it can be done. The thing is to get an 8 bit bootstrap memory to show up as 32 bit.... due to the lack of dynamic bus sizing!
Put me on for a 040. I'd love to make a board for it !
That thing is huge !... I mean the package... and needs some serious current (up 2 A @ 5V!) . But it can be done. The thing is to get an 8 bit bootstrap memory to show up as 32 bit.... due to the lack of dynamic bus sizing!
I am going to be taking wide range samples and overclocking them to there limits to see what these are. It almost seems as though the Prop was made to work hand in hand with these CPUs.
That thing is huge !... I mean the package... and needs some serious current (up 2 A @ 5V!)
Please check your PM.