Penguin Robot Math Punctuation (REVB)
Penguin Displays Math & Punctuation
34 New Characters for Penguins New Display!
Penguin displays a partial derivative math sign from Calculus
The percent sign is created with a little creativity to fit the 7-segment display
Penguin REVB
Program loads the font, shows the characters on the segment screen,
and displays the decimal, hex and binary values on the Debug screen!
Now your new Penguin can do math and punctuate English text properly
on its own on-board 7-segment LED display screen.
34 New Characters for Penguins New Display!
Penguin displays a partial derivative math sign from Calculus
The percent sign is created with a little creativity to fit the 7-segment display
Penguin REVB
Program loads the font, shows the characters on the segment screen,
and displays the decimal, hex and binary values on the Debug screen!
Now your new Penguin can do math and punctuate English text properly
on its own on-board 7-segment LED display screen.
' OVERVIEW ' ------------ ' This stand-alone code creates 34 math and punctuation characters ' for Penguin robot REVB and supplements Penguin English and Penguin ' Numbers. The characters are shown on Penguin's on-board display ' and corresponding decimal, hex and binary appears on the Debug ' screen. The comments include several charts including a list of ' characters and figures showing the exact appearance of characters ' on the segment display. ' ' For applications requiring numbers, refer to ' penguinb_numbers.bpx. ' For applications requiring English alphabet, refer to ' penguinb_english.bpx. ' ' ' MATH & PUNCTUATION CHARACTERS ' ----------------------------- ' [ left bracket, left parenthesis, left brace ' ] right bracket, right parenthesis, right brace ' / slash, divide ' - minus, dash, subtract, divisor line, segment ' _ underscore ' = equals ' ' quote ' + plus ' . decimal point, period, dot product ' | mid, vertical line, absolute value ' ? question mark ' x multiply ' ^ exponent ' > greater than ' < less than ' * Square, block ' degree ' right angle ' || Is parallel to ' , comma, open interval, order theory ' * asterisk, multiply ' % percent ' S integral in Calculus ' Partial in Calculus ' Pi ' Square root ' Infinity ' Arrow left ' Arrow right ' : Index, colon ' Does not equal ' Delta triangle ' perpendicular to ' ! exclamation point, factorial