2x16 display trouble
I have a problem using a ilm-216 lcd display on the homework board. I'm getting funny looking characters instead of letters. I used : serout 14, 813, ["hi"]. I'm very new at this and any suggestions would be appreciated. Also the codes 14,15 don't turn backlight on.
So a serout resulting in gibberish would be expected. But what to do about it? You could poke around on their site and see if they have any microcontroller wiring examples. They might suggest how to hook it up to the home work boards RS-232 output. If you can't find that an inverter chip could flip the sense of your serout output and make it what the LCD expects.
BTW here's a good read on the BS2's serout command which also mentioned inverted RS-232 logic levels:
In that PDF I found this tidbit that may help you
Polarity. In our discussion of serial theory above, you may have noticed that the voltages
were backward, with –10V meaning 1 and +10V meaning 0. RS-232 signals are inverted
with respect to the digital convention of 0V = 0 and 5V = 1. So when you want to talk
directly to an RS-232 device, you must select inverted polarity by putting a 1 in bit 14 of
the baudmode (by adding or ORing hex $4000 into it). RS-232 line drivers, chips
designed for converting digital signals to RS-232 voltages, also invert those signals. So to
talk through a line driver you’d put a 0 in bit 14.
Good luck
PAUSE 1000
PAUSE 1000
N2400 CON $418D
SEROUT 14,N2400, ["hijkjhkjhj"]
PAUSE 1000
Its the n2400 con $418d that did it.