Jamie Mantzell's Robot Toy?
I just saw Hexbug's new Spider Robot ($25) at Radio Shack. Video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFrBtOpXzlc
Functionally, it looks just like Jamie Mantzell's original video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6qpSOjtB2E
I have not been keeping up with Jamie's videos lately, but I sure hope he got paid some money for this toy. He can use the $$ to finish his ride-on version and feed his new baby!
Functionally, it looks just like Jamie Mantzell's original video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6qpSOjtB2E
I have not been keeping up with Jamie's videos lately, but I sure hope he got paid some money for this toy. He can use the $$ to finish his ride-on version and feed his new baby!
Wowstuff (UK) made this toy, they also made the "My Keepon" robot on closeout at TRU. Here's wishing them better success with Jamie's "spider tank" toy.
Watch the video at the top.