SX28 & MAX6675 thermocouple
I'm trying to read MAX6675 with this technique:
that I found on this forum...But it is out of my league to extract the value in to format like: "24.00" Centigrade,
and another concern is how to convert word value to ASCII (for LCD).
Thank you!!!
I'm trying to read MAX6675 with this technique:
Dio PIN RC.4 INPUT Clk PIN RC.3 OUTPUT CS PIN RC.2 OUTPUT result VAR Word thC VAR Word ' ============= PROGRAM Start ' ============= Start: CS = 1 Main: PAUSE 1 Clk = 0 CS = 0 SHIFTIN Dio, Clk, MSBPOST, result_MSB SHIFTIN Dio, Clk, MSBPOST, result_LSB CS = 1 thC = result >> 3 thC = thC */ 640 thC = thC / 10 PAUSE 250 GOTO Main
that I found on this forum...But it is out of my league to extract the value in to format like: "24.00" Centigrade,
and another concern is how to convert word value to ASCII (for LCD).
Thank you!!!
First I'm OK with Celsius.
Now I'm able to red and send the temperature data to the display...But now I have a problem with temperature accuracy...On the start up error is about 10 Celsius more then real (compared with Fluke), when warm up with lighter it is going up but very slow, and cooling process is even slower. I'm not able to get correct readings compared to the Fluke.
Hardware that is used:
The thermocouple: ...connected to the PCB with 2 small bolts
And SX/B:
Should I solder probes to the PCB? Or something else?
Thank you