Question: Using in-car wiring to pass data...
Posts: 9
I have an idea about using the car wiring to pass data through, if I wire the BS2 output through a filter of some sort, can I then pass the data through the car's wiring and pick it up say on the headlight wires?
Is it a matter of filtering the relevant noise from the irrelevant one...?
Is it a matter of filtering the relevant noise from the irrelevant one...?
But, with that said, the newest cars have each system run on a network, so maybe it won't be so bad. My suggestion would be pick the wire, set your DMM to AC and see what you're up against..... or better yet an o-scope..... but be careful with the scope and highvoltage. You might want to use the DMM first.
It may be better to run a dedicated shielded and grounded cable.
It should be a forum rule that you have to tell us what your doing!! I'm curious!
Without going in too much details, I think automotive electrical systems would be greatly improved by being isolated and properly regulated. I'm thinking of including microchips on every element to gather information on their performance and failures, as well as a good overall system monitering with proper displaying of information can be the next level for new cars. Having a display to tell us a brake light is burnt, a wire is shorting, what sensor is not functioning, the alternator is becoming erratic, or the starter is weakening, all can be shown.... but that's not what I'm doing right now. That's for later...
My thought would be to properly isolate the sub-system I want to use for noise.