Interesting remote control

I found this interesting remote control. It's only $4.25 from here near the bottom of the page.
It doesn't say if it is IR or not, but I would assume it is IR.
I may buy a couple to check them out.
P.S. Hmmm. Shipping is a little steep. If anyone is interested I'll see if I can pick them up in person (close to my house) and ship them to ya.
It doesn't say if it is IR or not, but I would assume it is IR.
I may buy a couple to check them out.
P.S. Hmmm. Shipping is a little steep. If anyone is interested I'll see if I can pick them up in person (close to my house) and ship them to ya.
It certainly is IR. Very small and light. A great idea to use it for something more worthy.
First impression is 'What next?'
Still, the remote is a nice little unit without words, just colors and very open to hacking.
Regarding the candles,
They do offer a safe alternative to the real thing. Having had one retail busness burned to the ground by the store manager leaving a lit candle in the window a week before Christmas, I have to give these a 'thumbs up' for safety.