Parallax Serial Servo Controller
Parallax Serial Servo Controller
Price: $25.00 (asking price includes shipping to 48 states)
Condition: Used/Hobby Use - The Parallax Serial Servo Controller is in good physical condition and works correctly/as expected to work. It was used as a development tool for the CrustCrawler Quad Crawler robot.
Payment: PayPal
If interested, please send me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Image of Parallax Serial Servo Controller for sale shown below:
[IMG] Products For Sale/ParallaxSerialServoContoller.jpg[/IMG]
Price: $25.00 (asking price includes shipping to 48 states)
Condition: Used/Hobby Use - The Parallax Serial Servo Controller is in good physical condition and works correctly/as expected to work. It was used as a development tool for the CrustCrawler Quad Crawler robot.
Payment: PayPal
If interested, please send me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Image of Parallax Serial Servo Controller for sale shown below:
[IMG] Products For Sale/ParallaxSerialServoContoller.jpg[/IMG]