Posts too easily accidentally deleted

This problem just happened to me a second time.
Some how I managed to delete a long post. I think I hit the Backspace key and my entire message was gone.
I think I will no longer compose messages inside these little boxes.
I'll use some sort of word processor program an then cut and paste them here.
This is aggravating.
I've seen other comments about this problem.
Some how I managed to delete a long post. I think I hit the Backspace key and my entire message was gone.
I think I will no longer compose messages inside these little boxes.
I'll use some sort of word processor program an then cut and paste them here.
This is aggravating.
I've seen other comments about this problem.
I could be wrong, but that's what it sounds like is happening. I used to write in a lot of blogs and forums and disliked the Backspace as a 'Go Back' command, so I changed it. It is the default for windows browsers and I think it is also default for Mozilla and Opera; I can't be certain, but your aggravation sounds familiar to what I had felt in the past.
I uhhh... I... it was a dog, I swear.
Well, it kind of takes the fun out of grumbling when it's not the forum's fault.
I'll have to try and get the backspace key remapped.
Thanks for all your replies.
Edit: Oh yeah, Yes, I did try ctrl-z.