2 layer or 4 layer PCB
I am designing a small board with a xbee pro and a prop chip and a few periphels. It is small around 2"x2". Should I make a 4 layer board with Gnd plane and power plane in the middle and signal traces on the outer layers? If it is better for noise immunity and the radio circuit I can justify the expense. If it will not really make any difference I would go with a 2 layer. Not very many components so routing either way should be possible. It is just going to operate some SS relays remotely.
I should say I am pretty new to laying out PCB but I have been studying the copper pour (DIPTRACE)and think I understand that pretty well. If I make it 2 layer should I pour a Gnd plane around all the traces on the top and bottom?
I should say I am pretty new to laying out PCB but I have been studying the copper pour (DIPTRACE)and think I understand that pretty well. If I make it 2 layer should I pour a Gnd plane around all the traces on the top and bottom?
Granted, most errors are probably for other connections but this makes even changes as simple as connecting an LED pin to power instead of ground difficult (not that I've ever had to do something like that