Christchurch Earthquake
Posts: 1,000
Any word from Hanno? I hope he and his family are safe. A tragic event.
Our fairest city (IMO) has been devastated and many lives (65 and counting) and historic places have been lost...a sad day
However, seems more damage this time as the quake was a bit closer to the city (30km according to our news in Oz) and closer to the surface.
Waiting to hopefully hear he's ok. Certainly another sad day
You don't seem to hear much about NZ quakes, but they are on the fault line between the Australasian plate and the Pacific Plate. Their plate is submerging under ours at a rate of 6cm (~2.4") p.a.
Phone & internet services have been disrupted across the country (even as far north as Auckland where I am). The only communication we have had from ChCh is a few txt's, facebook etc is very quiet.
Since the Sept 4th shake, the poor people have experienced 4800+ aftershocks. I can only imagine how that would effect someone...
They will be in our thoughts and prayers.
I hope for the best for all those affected.
Weather Channel video: [video][/video]
Am ok- many have fared worse- more later. Thanks Hanno
Most excellent to hear this news...
A bit more about someone else I'm a bit loathe to share, but let us all hope and
pray for his community.
I am pleased Hannos ok. Hope for the best.
Glad Hanno's ok! Thanks to all those countries sending aid and personale
I've been worried about Hanno and his family. I'm very glad to hear they are okay.