Terminal program for anyone interested in development
Just a quick note:
If you are developing a system that talks over the COM (serial) port, consider Tera Term. It's open source, very small, easy to use and does one thing...... ok maybe two things.
It was a tremendous help in debugging my communications problems.
If you are developing a system that talks over the COM (serial) port, consider Tera Term. It's open source, very small, easy to use and does one thing...... ok maybe two things.
It was a tremendous help in debugging my communications problems.
PuTTY is another one: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
Yet another custom release is rather ackward to fool with. I have one I absolutely love - called Terminal that is the ultimate in serial port tweeking. If is great if you are hacking, but I am not even sure I could ever find the web site that I downloaded it from as the name is just too darned generic for Google,et al.