BST tool s not running
Hi All,
I should have my windows profile changed and after that I could not run the BST tool.
What can be the problem? Please help.
I should have my windows profile changed and after that I could not run the BST tool.
What can be the problem? Please help.
Let's say... how about you tell us your windows version, locale, BST version, user account privileges, and what exactly do you mean by "I should have my windows profile changed"... privileges ?, image for your account ? colors ?. Be as descriptive as possible. It would also be helpful any error message delivered to the event log ! Btw. what does it mean "I could not run the BradSpinTool" ? Did you try from the console ?
A good description of the environment and the symptoms help... if not I'd ask... is your computer plugged to a wall-socket ? does the wall socket deliver enough power ? is your monitor on ? and other (silly) questions. Did you try turning it on and off again ? ;-)
Try creating a new user account, then run the tool. If it runs, then you know something about your account is at issue, and can test against a known good one. If it doesn't, then it's something about the system that's different now.
Can't do much more than that without more detailed info.
My windows profile was renamed as old, and was created a new profile. The was problems with my original profile eg. exel was not opening files, mapped network drives can be seen until the my PC was shot down, with the next powerup should map th edive again, etc. So my profile got corrupted. After creating this new profile most of the programs are working. Some of then needed some files to be copied form th old profile in to the new. While the BST (BradSpinToois) is an exe file only, i think not needs any settin in the profile. How it happened i don't know after clock on the BST icon the program seems to be starting but soon breaks. Can not see the window. I really don't know what to do. Window is XP professional, I have administrator account on my PC. BST 0.19.4-pre14