Propeeler, TV spin
Posts: 2
I'm very new to the propeller, have used SX28 for years. I'm trying to change the NTSC output pins from P12,P13 and P14 to P11,P12 and P13. I am quite lost at how to do this. I see where they're writing to vcfg, but not sure where they get the initial value. Any help would be appreciated
I do not believe this is possible because the Composite video (NTSC & PA) must be a subgroup of 4 pins so they can start at P0, P4,P8,P12,P16,P20,P24,P28. The fourth pin is rarely used.
We have done single pin composite video on any pin, but in reality, this uses the VGA section, just with composite timing.
OK, so you say the base-pin must be one of the ones you list above, not like pin-11 as loum57 wants to do.
I did'n know this either so I put resistors on pins 19-22 but was not able to use pin 19 as base-pin (in tv-text.spin) but had to change it to pin 20 to get a good signal. The resistor on pin 19 could then be removed.
So in loum57's case he should rather keep it the way it is or use pin 16-17-18 (as an example) and then change the "base-pin" to 16, right?