New Penguin Display
Does anyone have a nice chart for the REV B penguins display? Just poking around I've found which segments light for each bit sent to the shift register. So I was able to count up to 15 in HEX, and yell HELP, or PULL. I could not find any other tech info and I don't think I can explain it very well.
So if you output $02 the display will show an 8, all bits on except the decimal point, send a $FD and only the decimal point is lit.
I think the REV B with the shift display and the extra I/O port is much nicer than the first Penguin. The fix was not real difficult, I have one done and one to go. I did find it easier to solder the wire to the mosfet first then hold on to the mosfet by the wire as you solder the other pins.
Edit: Two for two, Yippie!
- - A - - segments F E C B D G dp A F B data bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - G - - E C $02 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 - - D - - dp $FD 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
So if you output $02 the display will show an 8, all bits on except the decimal point, send a $FD and only the decimal point is lit.
I think the REV B with the shift display and the extra I/O port is much nicer than the first Penguin. The fix was not real difficult, I have one done and one to go. I did find it easier to solder the wire to the mosfet first then hold on to the mosfet by the wire as you solder the other pins.
Edit: Two for two, Yippie!
These two handle numbers. Graphics, text and the English Alphabet will follow.
There's a new Penguin B link section here.
That's because Penguin requires a special font set, and then a determined relationship between the font and the 7-segment display for letter formants. There is indeed a fair amount of work in doing this.
I'm working on a new upgraded version of this program to be released soon. The chart will show the binary byte required to produce a corresponding letter. It should be easy to convert the binary byte to decimal and hex.
If you ran Penguin B Numbers program, you may have noticed it converted the binary into decimal using only one PBASIC statement. You could also add on a similar conversion for hex. I like to work back and forth between decimal, binary, and hex when writing programs to create different examples.
Penguin B Numbers - Using the New Display