The STAMP generates the serial stream to the debug window. You would need a real time clock somewhere in the loop. The RTC could be connected to the STAMP or the STAMP could get the time form another system that has a clock..
Per the replies here, there's no built-in RTC in a Stamp. You can fake a clock by writing a program with multiple nested pauses and DEBUG statements. With patience, you can get it reasonably accurate for a while, but it will eventually drift since there is no thermal compensation.
I had a feeling of that. I couldn't find any commands relating to time display, so I figured I would have to add a circuit. Thank you all for your help.
My plan is to have the time displayed on the debug screen when an event is triggered ( servo spins, RFID card is swiped, programmer's wife starts nagging, etc). I looked at the DS1302 and will be picking up one as well as the 32.768 KHz crystal.
I built an electromechanical gizmo for a friend that goes off every hour, like a clock chiming. I used a $10 wristwatch with a "chime" function. The voltage to the piezo beeper was high enough to trigger the input pin on the EMC uC that runs the whole sequence. It's running strong 3 years later, same watch battery, and the accuracy is incredible, it's always within a few seconds of my computer's internet time. I've considered using that hourly chime method to recalibrate a Stamp software clock every hour. It would be easy to write a clock program that wouldn't drift more than a few seconds per hour, and that error goes away every hour. Food for thought.
Here is an easy code for showing time on Parallax serial LCD, you have to change the SEROUT to Debug command, for show the time on Debug screen.
' Example Program: Parallax, ClockApp.bs2
' Display elapsed time with BS2 and Parallax Serial LCD.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' Stamp directive
' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' PBASIC Directive
hours VAR Byte ' Stores hours
minutes VAR Byte ' Stores minutes
seconds VAR Word ' Stores 1/10 seconds
SEROUT 14, 84, [22, 12] ' Start LCD & clear display
PAUSE 5 ' Pause 5 ms for clear display
SEROUT 14, 84, ["Time Elapsed...", 13] ' Text + carriage return
SEROUT 14, 84, [" h m s"] ' Text on second line
DO ' Main routine
' Calculate hours, minutes, seconds
IF seconds = 60 THEN seconds = 0: minutes = minutes + 1
IF minutes = 60 THEN minutes = 0: hours = hours + 1
IF hours = 24 THEN hours = 0
' Display digits on LCD on line 2. The values 148, 153, 158
' place the cursor at character 0, 5, and 10 for the time values.
SEROUT 14, 84, [148, DEC2 hours,153, DEC2 minutes,158, DEC2 seconds ]
PAUSE 991 ' Pause + overhead ~ 1 second
seconds = seconds + 1 ' Increment 1/10 second counter
LOOP ' Repeat main routine
I think you might want to hook up a DS1302 Timekeeping Chip.They sell them in the Parallax store.
They are inexpensive and easy to use. If you use a battery with it, it will remember the time. (There is a battery charging circuit built in.)
Good Luck!
My plan is to have the time displayed on the debug screen when an event is triggered ( servo spins, RFID card is swiped, programmer's wife starts nagging, etc). I looked at the DS1302 and will be picking up one as well as the 32.768 KHz crystal.