quadcopter Help and how to guide for future help
i wanted to start this thread to get help with developing a quad copter i have always wanted to build one and now i have a few propeller chips and demo boards i would like to get started.so here is my parts list
4 brushless motors
4 props and prop holders
Propeller demo board just for testing and prototyping I have a propeller chip on a bread board almost ready to go.
Quod copter body
1 blank breadboard for power hookup
1 3000mah lipo battery
2 prop demo boards
2 xbee for communication
I have found a EXC object in the onject exchange on parallas but was not sure how to use it just yet
i wanted to start this thread to get help with developing a quad copter i have always wanted to build one and now i have a few propeller chips and demo boards i would like to get started.so here is my parts list
4 brushless motors
4 props and prop holders
Propeller demo board just for testing and prototyping I have a propeller chip on a bread board almost ready to go.
Quod copter body
1 blank breadboard for power hookup
1 3000mah lipo battery
2 prop demo boards
2 xbee for communication
I have found a EXC object in the onject exchange on parallas but was not sure how to use it just yet
I now have my motors, battery, 6ch radio 2.4GHz, and all the sensors (gyro, accel, compass, pressure and even the gps). I still havent quite completed the sensor pcb although I was hoping to get it out with the current batch of pcbs. I do not have the props yet (the plastic variety) because I want clockwise and counterclockwise props. That and the frame is the only thing aside from time and the sensor pcb that is missing
I found a thread http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1143569 where they used 3x hobbyking aero gyros in the radio receiver servo loop.