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n00b with a datalogger — Parallax Forums

n00b with a datalogger

timmehtimmeh Posts: 9
edited 2011-02-19 01:17 in Propeller 1
Greetings All,

I'm currently having absolutely no luck with trying to get an SD card reader attached to my Prop (Stingray board). I'm using the SD3 Object code with most of the additional peripherals disabled, see code below.

  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000

  _leftChannelVolume = 32
  _rightChannelVolume = 32

  _baudRateSpeed = 57600        '250_000
  _newLineCharacter = 13
  _clearScreenCharacter = 16
  _homeCursorCharacter = 1

  _receiverPin = 31
  _transmitterPin = 30

  _RTC_DAT = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.
  _RTC_CLK = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.

  _VGA_Enabled = false
  _VGA_PinGroup = 2
  _VGA_H_Res = 160
  _VGA_V_Res = 120
  _VGA_BG_Color = bmp#black
  _VGA_FG_Color = bmp#green

  _leftChannelAudioPin = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.
  _rightChannelAudioPin = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.

  _leftMicFeedBackPin = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.
  _leftMicInputPin = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.

  _rightMicFeedBackPin = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.
  _rightMicInputPin = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.

  _SD_DO = 16
  _SD_CLK = 17
  _SD_DI = 18
  _SD_CS = 19

  _SD_WP = -1 ' -1 ifnot installed.
  _SD_CD = 20 ' -1 ifnot installed.

When running the Demo, all I get is 'Disk IO Error'

I'm using Parallax SD Card adapter #32312 for the micro SD card adapter, currently attached to pins 16-20 as per the code above.

I've also managed to kill a USB datalogger with a firmware upgrade, so thought SD might be a little safer.

Would appreciate any tips on obvious things I might have missed.
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