Basic Stamp position on Education Board
What is the position or location the basic stamp should be in on the education board?
I am new to stamps and have downloaded the program, but cannot get the basic stamp to be recognized. I have tried all of the troubleshooting tips, but still no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
I am new to stamps and have downloaded the program, but cannot get the basic stamp to be recognized. I have tried all of the troubleshooting tips, but still no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
Most problems with "Stamp not recognized" are caused by either inadequate power due to weak batteries or the power switch being off or are caused by a faulty serial connection. Either the cable is bad or, if USB is used, the USB to serial adapter is not one that properly implements the control lines (DTR in particular).
I agree with Mike. Our project team got the "Stamp not recognized" error message when we used an off-brand (Belkin) USB to serial adapter or when the batteries were low. You may want to invest in a Parallax USB to Serial (RS-232) Adapter with Cable (Item code 28031.) This may remedy your problem; it did for us.
And as Mike suggested, make sure the stamp is lined up in the correct position in the slot where you plug it in. There IS a "right side up" and "upside down". position. Match the shapes on the stamp to the shapes on the BOE when you plug it in.
Mark - ARLISS Team New Hampshire