I have been looking at Diptrace. Dose anyone have a AT24C512 component? I was trying to layout a propeller board and found Diptrace does not have the eeprom listed. Thanks for the help.
Check gadget gangster. It has diptrace models of many board. You could find the eeprom.
Anyway components creation is the first step whith this kind of software, so better starting from there... Diptrace is extremely friendly, by the way.
Yeah, you can just grab that eeprom footprint off the Propeller Platform USB - www.gadgetgangster.com/257 and scroll down to the resources box. Right click on the footprint and select 'save to active library'.
I find that I regularly have to create components for DipTrace. The good news is that it only takes a few minutes if you have the data sheet handy. I suggest that you jump in and learn how to create components right away.
BTW, I LOVE Diptrace.
put the .LIB file in the ..\Program Files\DipTrace\LIB folder with the other library files
then Go into the PCB layout program and choose Library and then Library Setup. On the right hand side, find "My_lib(untitled library) and select it.
or just check the "Get Libraries from Folder" in the upper right of the Library Setup and then just open "My_lib" in the tool to use it
I just took a look and it does not have any parallax parts that I could see.
One hint - a lot of common footprints have been created for Eagle by Sparkfun (a great site, if you're not familiar with it), but they're easily importable into DipTrace's pattern editor.
Go to https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-Library and download the library, then open it up in Eagle (it's free too), then do Export to Script (.scr) file. Then in the Diptrace pattern editor you can import the Eagle .SCR, and save it as your own .LIB, and then you will have access to a LOT of common footprints.
Anyway components creation is the first step whith this kind of software, so better starting from there... Diptrace is extremely friendly, by the way.
The exact part I use is the AT24C512BN-SH25-T
BTW, I LOVE Diptrace.
put the .LIB file in the ..\Program Files\DipTrace\LIB folder with the other library files
then Go into the PCB layout program and choose Library and then Library Setup. On the right hand side, find "My_lib(untitled library) and select it.
or just check the "Get Libraries from Folder" in the upper right of the Library Setup and then just open "My_lib" in the tool to use it
I just took a look and it does not have any parallax parts that I could see.
Go to https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-Library and download the library, then open it up in Eagle (it's free too), then do Export to Script (.scr) file. Then in the Diptrace pattern editor you can import the Eagle .SCR, and save it as your own .LIB, and then you will have access to a LOT of common footprints.