Why Formating on Edit window not function anymore?

Hi Admin!!. ........ Why Formating of text not function anymore on FORUM ..... That Line I will have starting on new line NOT appended as it is now. ..... Even LINKS will I have starting in new lines. .... Can't that now BUT it functioned before changes to EDIT functions.......LOOK on this post IT looks not GOOD if all I write are as it is NOW! .......http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?129480-What-pin-extenders-are-compatable-with-an-LM324N-op-amp&p=976509&viewfull=1#post976509
Does this only occur when you're using the 'Edit' function?
bold italics underlined linked to nothing
If so could you try posting in your native language using the forum's interface to see if the formatting is maintained.
There could be extraneous code being captured if you happen to be posting content from another program.
If not, then could I ask what is your method for posting to the forums?
Now I changed to MS Explorer and I think all things works correctly.
BUT still not function in my FireFox.
Ps. I always used same "procedure for posting content to the forums" even now on Explorer.
and as You can see in this software it function correctly for me.
AND all bottom ICON's are active in Explorer to!
I found reference to this as a bug for Firefox on the vBulletin website, and they made two suggestions. One was to clear the browser's cache, and the other was to wait until we upgraded to the next forum patch. Which is unfortunate if it's not something in the cache, because I don't have a defined date as to when we'll upgrade the forum software.
Now as It function in Explorer --- THANKS for help.
But still look on it --- As it is now I need run 2 types of software One for GMail + its chat and one for FORUM.
Problem with Explorer for me are as it not have possibility to CORRECT my badly writen words.
"One was to clear the browser's cache" --- I have cleared that one --- Next time I restart my Computer will test that in time I need Login on Forum.
I think You have helped more that You think.
After Logout of FireFox from Forum and clear the browser's cache IT Function now.
(My first problem that give even You problem WAS - I never logout from FORUM)
That after You changed some things in forum software give FireFox confused !!.
So even You know now what need to that it function correctly.
Ps. This post are send from FireFox after stages I described in lines before.