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Help with PASM synchronization

David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
edited 2011-02-12 14:10 in Propeller 1
I'm sure I've made an obvious blunder here but I can't see what it is. I have written a PASM CRC routine that I intend to use in a communications object and I wanted to verify that it was producing the same results as my working Spin code. I wrote the following test program to verify this. The program works but gets stuck at the line after the cognew call waiting for the PASM code to complete. I guess I must have he PAR handling wrong but I've stared at it for a while and can't see what I'm doing wrong. The idea is that param_ptr gets set to the address of the test data but that the PASM code sets it to zero when it has finished computing the CRC. The main Spin code waits for that parameter to become zero before printing the result. The problem is that I never exit the "repeat while" loop suggesting that the PASM code never finishes or it fails to set param_ptr to zero. Can anyone spot my blunder?

    _clkmode    = xtal1 + pll16x
    _xinfreq    = 5_000_000

    conRxPin    = 31        '' the RX pin to use for UART console
    conTxPin    = 30        '' the TX pin to use for UART console
    conMode     = 0         '' the mode to use for FullDuplex UART console
    conBaud     = 115200    '' the baud rate to use for UART console

    CR          = $0d

  ser  : "FullDuplexSerialExtended"

PUB main | param_ptr, param_cnt, param_crc, spin_crc, i

  ser.start(conRxPin, conTxPin, conMode, conBaud)

  spin_crc := 0
  repeat i from 0 to 15
    spin_crc := updcrc_spin(spin_crc, byte[@test_data][i])

  ser.str(string("Spin value: "))
  ser.hex(spin_crc, 8)

  param_ptr := @test_data
  param_cnt := 16
  cognew(@crc_test, @param_ptr)
  repeat while param_ptr <> 0

  ser.str(string("PASM value: "))
  ser.hex(param_crc, 8)


PRI updcrc_spin(crc_spin, data)
  return (word[@crctab][(crc_spin >> 8) & $ff] ^ (crc_spin << 8) ^ data) & $ffff


test_data               byte    $01, $12, $23, $34, $45, $56, $67, $78
                        byte	$89, $9a, $ab, $bc, $cd, $de, $ef, $f0

                        org     0

crc_test                mov     tmp, par
                        rdlong  ptr, tmp
                        add     tmp, #4
                        rdlong  count, tmp
                        mov     crc, #0
:loop                   rdbyte  rxdata, ptr
                        call    #updcrc
                        add     ptr, #1
                        djnz    count, #:loop
                        mov     tmp, par
                        add     tmp, #8
                        wrlong  crc, tmp
                        mov     tmp, par
                        wrlong  zero, tmp
                        cogid   tmp
                        cogstop tmp

ptr                     res     1
count                   res     1
tmp                     res     1

zero                    long    0

updcrc                  mov     t1, crc
                        test    t1,#$100 wz
                        shr     t1, #9
                        add     t1, #crctab
                        movs    :load, t1
                        shl     crc, #8
:load                   mov     t1, 0-0
              if_nz     shr     t1, #16
                        xor     crc, t1
                        xor     crc, rxdata
                        and     crc, word_mask
updcrc_ret              ret

crc                     res     1
rxdata                  res     1
t1                      res     1

word_mask               long    $ffff

    word $0000,  $1021,  $2042,  $3063,  $4084,  $50a5,  $60c6,  $70e7
    word $8108,  $9129,  $a14a,  $b16b,  $c18c,  $d1ad,  $e1ce,  $f1ef
    word $1231,  $0210,  $3273,  $2252,  $52b5,  $4294,  $72f7,  $62d6
    word $9339,  $8318,  $b37b,  $a35a,  $d3bd,  $c39c,  $f3ff,  $e3de
    word $2462,  $3443,  $0420,  $1401,  $64e6,  $74c7,  $44a4,  $5485
    word $a56a,  $b54b,  $8528,  $9509,  $e5ee,  $f5cf,  $c5ac,  $d58d
    word $3653,  $2672,  $1611,  $0630,  $76d7,  $66f6,  $5695,  $46b4
    word $b75b,  $a77a,  $9719,  $8738,  $f7df,  $e7fe,  $d79d,  $c7bc
    word $48c4,  $58e5,  $6886,  $78a7,  $0840,  $1861,  $2802,  $3823
    word $c9cc,  $d9ed,  $e98e,  $f9af,  $8948,  $9969,  $a90a,  $b92b
    word $5af5,  $4ad4,  $7ab7,  $6a96,  $1a71,  $0a50,  $3a33,  $2a12
    word $dbfd,  $cbdc,  $fbbf,  $eb9e,  $9b79,  $8b58,  $bb3b,  $ab1a
    word $6ca6,  $7c87,  $4ce4,  $5cc5,  $2c22,  $3c03,  $0c60,  $1c41
    word $edae,  $fd8f,  $cdec,  $ddcd,  $ad2a,  $bd0b,  $8d68,  $9d49
    word $7e97,  $6eb6,  $5ed5,  $4ef4,  $3e13,  $2e32,  $1e51,  $0e70
    word $ff9f,  $efbe,  $dfdd,  $cffc,  $bf1b,  $af3a,  $9f59,  $8f78
    word $9188,  $81a9,  $b1ca,  $a1eb,  $d10c,  $c12d,  $f14e,  $e16f
    word $1080,  $00a1,  $30c2,  $20e3,  $5004,  $4025,  $7046,  $6067
    word $83b9,  $9398,  $a3fb,  $b3da,  $c33d,  $d31c,  $e37f,  $f35e
    word $02b1,  $1290,  $22f3,  $32d2,  $4235,  $5214,  $6277,  $7256
    word $b5ea,  $a5cb,  $95a8,  $8589,  $f56e,  $e54f,  $d52c,  $c50d
    word $34e2,  $24c3,  $14a0,  $0481,  $7466,  $6447,  $5424,  $4405
    word $a7db,  $b7fa,  $8799,  $97b8,  $e75f,  $f77e,  $c71d,  $d73c
    word $26d3,  $36f2,  $0691,  $16b0,  $6657,  $7676,  $4615,  $5634
    word $d94c,  $c96d,  $f90e,  $e92f,  $99c8,  $89e9,  $b98a,  $a9ab
    word $5844,  $4865,  $7806,  $6827,  $18c0,  $08e1,  $3882,  $28a3
    word $cb7d,  $db5c,  $eb3f,  $fb1e,  $8bf9,  $9bd8,  $abbb,  $bb9a
    word $4a75,  $5a54,  $6a37,  $7a16,  $0af1,  $1ad0,  $2ab3,  $3a92
    word $fd2e,  $ed0f,  $dd6c,  $cd4d,  $bdaa,  $ad8b,  $9de8,  $8dc9
    word $7c26,  $6c07,  $5c64,  $4c45,  $3ca2,  $2c83,  $1ce0,  $0cc1
    word $ef1f,  $ff3e,  $cf5d,  $df7c,  $af9b,  $bfba,  $8fd9,  $9ff8
    word $6e17,  $7e36,  $4e55,  $5e74,  $2e93,  $3eb2,  $0ed1,  $1ef0

                        fit     496


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-02-12 07:27
    You can't have RES embedded in the middle of your code. Either move all the RES 1 to after crctab or change them to LONG 0
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-02-12 09:25
    First, thanks very much. Changing all of the instance of "RES 1" to "LONG 0" fixed my problem and, amazingly, my PASM CRC function works!

    However, this restriction on RES is very bizarre. There is nothing in the manual that mentions this. Is this a bug in the BST Spin compiler?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-02-12 10:12
    The restriction on RES is not bizarre when you understand how the statement works. It's not a bug ... it's a feature.

    There are two program counters in the assembler. One keeps track of the cog (long) address of the generated code and the other keeps track of the hub (byte) address where the code is placed. The ORG statement sets the cog address and is usually used to reset the cog address to zero. The RES statement increments the cog address by its operand in order to reserve space in the cog, but doesn't increment the hub address at all. This is intended for use at the end of a cog program and allows for variables to be allocated in the cog, but not to occupy space in hub memory. The actual cog locations are loaded from whatever happens to follow the last generated code in hub memory when the COGNEW / COGINIT is executed.

    If you place a RES statement in the middle of a cog program, the cog program counter is incremented, but the actual data that's in memory is whatever follows the RES statement(s) so the cog addresses and the following code and/or data are out-of-sync.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-02-12 10:17
    I guess that makes sense. Maybe that should be stated in the manual somewhere because it wasn't obvious to me at least. Anyway, thanks very much for explaining this. It helped me get past my CRC generation problem and on to the next bug...
  • mparkmpark Posts: 1,306
    edited 2011-02-12 11:41
    It is stated in the v1.1 manual, p. 340:
    Caution: Use RES Only After Instructions and Data
    It’s important to use RES only after the final instructions and data in a logical assembly program. Placing RES in a prior location could have unintended results as explained below.
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2011-02-12 12:58
    Ah ha, it is nice to know why RES caused me all that pain so long ago ;)
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2011-02-12 14:10
    mpark wrote: »
    It is stated in the v1.1 manual, p. 340:
    Ah, I guess it's time to order an updated manual. Thanks for pointing that out!
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