Trying to export from DipTrace

I am trying to figure out a way to export from DipTrace to something we can see here.
I am trying to figure out a way to export from DipTrace to something we can see here.
If the schematic is not embedded, it's because I am a dummy.
If it is, it's because Phil explained it to me!
One more time with a light background . . .
Hmmm. Needs some thought, but I am getting closer.
Again, a JPEG is not the format to use. That's one reason the image is so fuzzy.
I would have EVENTUALLY remembered what you told me!
Sloppy image editing on the left, but I cannot see it in Paint. (I'll figure it out, though.)
The mechanics of posting it ARE pretty simple. But, drawing a schematic is like REALLY drawing; it is an art that takes a lot of practice that I haven't done . . . yet. It looks like I have drawn the detail too small. It needs to be larger and arranged better to fill the white space and still fit in the available area.
I wonder if I am expecting too much from the site's upload capability? It seems to me that a detailed drawing will consume far more space than the site can handle. Plus, for some reason I cannot get a pdf to upload. EDIT: I can upload a pdf. I cannot make it appear in my post. You have to click on it to see it. Is this the way it is done? Thanks!
Here is a link to an APR9600 schematic (on my web site) I just finished. It is a hardware project which I have successfully breadboarded and am now going to stick on a prototype board and then in an enclosure.