If it used the normal dot clock VGA_Text would give 40 columns; Chip had to slow it down just a bit to give the cog time to fetch the tile, then the appropriate pixel line from the ROM font.
If you want to speed up the VGA clock you must use another cog to fetch the pixel lines so that the cog drawing the raster doesn't need to do multiple Hub reads for each character. This will get you to 40 horizontal columns.
There's not much you can do about the 15 lines except throw away some of the ROM font lines, which tends to look awful.
There are also the Hirez drivers (which are included with the proptool and in the obex) which provide much higher text density using two clogs, a smaller custom font, and a very clever back and forth cooperation as one cog draws while the other prepares for drawing the upcoming line. These drivers don't provide for setting the individual character colors, but you can set different color combinations for each line. Again, there's just no time to set a different value for the colors parameter in the time it takes to draw a character.
The VGA screen I use is 80x40. It is used in the zicog, KyeDOS, PocketTerm and Catalina, amongst others. Not sure what its official name is, but it is one of the standard drivers. I think there are other drivers that can do even more rows/columns.
clogs -- that's what I get for posting just before leaving work.
Dr_Acula, that is the hirez driver. The original version is VGA_HiRes_Text.spin which is in the Propeller Tool Library. The same driver can, by un-commenting the appropriate parameter block, do:
' 1024 x 768 @ 57Hz settings: 128 x 64 characters
' 800 x 600 @ 75Hz settings: 100 x 50 characters
' 640 x 480 @ 69Hz settings: 80 x 40 characters
It's unfortunate that there isn't much to bridge the gap between VGA_Text at 32 x 15, and the lowest resolution of the Hirez at 80 x 40. I spent January writing a 3-cog driver but it's actually even lower resolution than VGA_Text, because it provides for half- and double-high ROM font characters and two styles, high and low resolution, of user defined character tiles. All that logic requires two cogs pre-processing the odd and even lines while a third draws the raster. But it is very frugal with memory while giving the versatility I need for certain projects.
This got me looking back at the timing. The problem is that any inner loop that has to do two Hub reads takes a minimum of 47 clocks. Since the Hub isn't synchronous with the VGA raster you have to assume 22 clocks for the first read, you get two instructions free and then 16 for the next. Then you need the waitvid (5) and djnz (4). And that's assuming no other logic such as incrementing pointers.
At 25 MHz (the dot clock rate for 640x480 VGA) a 16-pixel waitvid block takes 51 cycles, so it would be just barely possible to write a driver using a helper cog to stuff the pixel and color buffers to get full resolution of 40 horizontal characters. To do it in 1 cog Chip had to drop the resolution a bit to get the pixel clock down to 21 MHz so he could cram a couple more instructions in there.
For 800x600, which would give 50 characters by 18 rows, the dot clock is 36 MHz. That gives you 35 clocks to set up 16 pixels. Even if you do only one Hub read, that's 22 clocks, then 5 for waitvid and 4 for the djnz or 31. So it might just barely be possible to do a single hub read loop with helper cogs stuffing the pixel buffer. The problem with the ROM font is that you can't just set a color for the line, because the color determines which of two interleaved characters gets displayed. However, if we're using helper cogs, we're not reading straight from the ROM, and the helper could mask out the unwanted character before putting it in the pixel buffer. That should make it just barely possible to do such a 50 by 18 ROM font display, with one color per line and probably needing 3 cogs.
I might just take a stab at this. There's quite a vacuum between the ROM font drivers and the super high density drivers, and using the ROM font looks beautiful while saving considerable RAM.
It's not necessary to spend a whole lot of time on it for my sake. I was just trying to understand how it all worked. I saw the rows / columns definitions at the top of the file and wondered why they were there if they could not be changed. I did come up with some new questions though.
1) Is it possible to "pixel-double" in VGA_HiRes_Text.spin so that it displays 20x40 text instead of 40x80 for the 640x480 res?
2) I notice that VGA_Text has str(), hex(), dec() functions but VGA_HiRes does not. Is that by design or do those functions just need to be added?
3) Why are the colors represented in quarternary?
Okay, quarternary makes sense since there's only two resistors for each channel (four levels). Forgot about that.
1. Pixel-doubling the Hirez driver should be possible; vertically it's a matter of repeating each line twice instead of incrementing, and horizontally it's just a matter of reducing the dot clock. I haven't looked too close because it's an extremely clever bit of code and I'm still not sure quite how it works. The result will be very noticeably blocky though.
2. I've never liked that the hex() and dec() functions are part of the video driver; they should be part of a string library if they're not part of the Spin language itself. You should be able to just copy the ones from VGA_text into the Hirez object and if the byte output function has the same name they should work.
I'm not sure what's on the table next week at work, but if I have some spare time I might look into an intermediate rez driver. If I have any luck I'll post the results here.
You might try the 640x240 timing. It's slower. See the driver linked in my signature. That one can be modded to do a larger waitvid frame, and at 8 pixel frames should do 512 pixels or so. Lots of characters. The timing in that driver has displayed on every VGA I can find so far.
When I get potatotext 2 rendering properly on TV, I may consider this.
potatohead, I appreciate the suggestion but you realize using ROM font that is 32 characters high 640x240 only gives you 7 lines. The whole thing about using ROM font is it saves you LOTS of RAM. LOTS. It gives you gorgeous results at zero cost for a font in Hub RAM. Even a crappy font at 8x8 takes 1K for 128 characters, and it looks awful if you blow it up on a hires display. (I have a driver that lets me mix 8x8 chars with ROM font of the same size, and while the former are very useful for things like borders and simple graphics, the difference when used for text is extremely dramatic.)
Taking localroger's advice, and as a learning exercise, I "Frankenstein'd" together an in-between object that interfaces with VGA_HiRes_Text and provides most of the same functionality as VGA_Text and TV_Text. Although it takes an extra cog, I now have a 40x80 screen to which I can easily send debug info via str(), hex(), dec() etc. Colors of course can only be set on a line-by-line basis. But it uses the same commands.
I'm new to video on prop (vop?) so constructive criticism is welcome.
If you want to speed up the VGA clock you must use another cog to fetch the pixel lines so that the cog drawing the raster doesn't need to do multiple Hub reads for each character. This will get you to 40 horizontal columns.
There's not much you can do about the 15 lines except throw away some of the ROM font lines, which tends to look awful.
There are also the Hirez drivers (which are included with the proptool and in the obex) which provide much higher text density using two clogs, a smaller custom font, and a very clever back and forth cooperation as one cog draws while the other prepares for drawing the upcoming line. These drivers don't provide for setting the individual character colors, but you can set different color combinations for each line. Again, there's just no time to set a different value for the colors parameter in the time it takes to draw a character.
Dr_Acula, that is the hirez driver. The original version is VGA_HiRes_Text.spin which is in the Propeller Tool Library. The same driver can, by un-commenting the appropriate parameter block, do:
' 1024 x 768 @ 57Hz settings: 128 x 64 characters
' 800 x 600 @ 75Hz settings: 100 x 50 characters
' 640 x 480 @ 69Hz settings: 80 x 40 characters
It's unfortunate that there isn't much to bridge the gap between VGA_Text at 32 x 15, and the lowest resolution of the Hirez at 80 x 40. I spent January writing a 3-cog driver but it's actually even lower resolution than VGA_Text, because it provides for half- and double-high ROM font characters and two styles, high and low resolution, of user defined character tiles. All that logic requires two cogs pre-processing the odd and even lines while a third draws the raster. But it is very frugal with memory while giving the versatility I need for certain projects.
That's what I was looking for unfortunately. Thank you for the valuable information, it's one more piece to the puzzle for me.
This got me looking back at the timing. The problem is that any inner loop that has to do two Hub reads takes a minimum of 47 clocks. Since the Hub isn't synchronous with the VGA raster you have to assume 22 clocks for the first read, you get two instructions free and then 16 for the next. Then you need the waitvid (5) and djnz (4). And that's assuming no other logic such as incrementing pointers.
At 25 MHz (the dot clock rate for 640x480 VGA) a 16-pixel waitvid block takes 51 cycles, so it would be just barely possible to write a driver using a helper cog to stuff the pixel and color buffers to get full resolution of 40 horizontal characters. To do it in 1 cog Chip had to drop the resolution a bit to get the pixel clock down to 21 MHz so he could cram a couple more instructions in there.
For 800x600, which would give 50 characters by 18 rows, the dot clock is 36 MHz. That gives you 35 clocks to set up 16 pixels. Even if you do only one Hub read, that's 22 clocks, then 5 for waitvid and 4 for the djnz or 31. So it might just barely be possible to do a single hub read loop with helper cogs stuffing the pixel buffer. The problem with the ROM font is that you can't just set a color for the line, because the color determines which of two interleaved characters gets displayed. However, if we're using helper cogs, we're not reading straight from the ROM, and the helper could mask out the unwanted character before putting it in the pixel buffer. That should make it just barely possible to do such a 50 by 18 ROM font display, with one color per line and probably needing 3 cogs.
I might just take a stab at this. There's quite a vacuum between the ROM font drivers and the super high density drivers, and using the ROM font looks beautiful while saving considerable RAM.
It's not necessary to spend a whole lot of time on it for my sake. I was just trying to understand how it all worked. I saw the rows / columns definitions at the top of the file and wondered why they were there if they could not be changed. I did come up with some new questions though.
1) Is it possible to "pixel-double" in VGA_HiRes_Text.spin so that it displays 20x40 text instead of 40x80 for the 640x480 res?
2) I notice that VGA_Text has str(), hex(), dec() functions but VGA_HiRes does not. Is that by design or do those functions just need to be added?
3) Why are the colors represented in quarternary?
Okay, quarternary makes sense since there's only two resistors for each channel (four levels). Forgot about that.
2. I've never liked that the hex() and dec() functions are part of the video driver; they should be part of a string library if they're not part of the Spin language itself. You should be able to just copy the ones from VGA_text into the Hirez object and if the byte output function has the same name they should work.
I'm not sure what's on the table next week at work, but if I have some spare time I might look into an intermediate rez driver. If I have any luck I'll post the results here.
When I get potatotext 2 rendering properly on TV, I may consider this.
I'm new to video on prop (vop?) so constructive criticism is welcome.
You might want to check out my new thread