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Trying to use ViewPort agan. — Parallax Forums

Trying to use ViewPort agan.

HShankoHShanko Posts: 402
edited 2011-02-13 14:20 in Propeller 1
Help! For some reason I get an error that doesn't make sense at the moment. The error message is:

"Could not start running. Ensure your Propeller is connected and try again.
Details: Error in your vp.share(@a,@b) line. ... You're currently shariing 1260 bytes. That's too much!"

What ever I do to that line I get the same number of bytes error. I copied this 'vp stuff' from another program and edited it for this program. I need to look at some I/O activity (interfacing to a MagTek card reader) and find this 'barrier' in my way.

With VP stuff commented out the program runs fine.
  long  stack[200], frame[400], key, id
  long  lcd_status      'status: off/visible/invisible  read-only       (5 contiguous longs)
  long  lcd_enable      'enable: off/on                 write-only
  long  lcd_videobase   'video base @word               write-only
  long  lcd_colorbase   'color base @long               write-only
  long  lcd_backlight   'Used to control LCD backlight
  long  col, row, color, tilex, tiley, colU, rowU, ms
  long  boxcolor,ptr  ', errorT1
'vars for Graphics Demo
  long  mousex, mousey   
  long  touchx, touchy
'  long touchx0,touchdx,touchy0,touchdy   'cal factors
  long  CurrentColor, bLineMode, bStillDown, LastX, LastY
  word  screen[screensize]
'for custom characters
  word  user_charbase  
  byte  Trk1buffer[85], Trk2buffer[45], colorA, colorB, flagReg, Char, Indexx 
  byte  x[lines], y[lines], xs[lines], ys[lines]           ' FlagReg: lsb = 'cap'key ON; 

  lcd  : "PSB_LcdDriver"  'Modified to drive 4.3" TFT
  i2c  : "PSB_i2cDriver"        ' Rokicki & Dummer's i2c
  gr   : "graphics"             ' Chip Gracey's object
' kbd  : "Keyboard"             ' Ps/2 keyboard
'  mouse : "mouse"
'  fsrw : "fsrw" '
'  sd2 : "SD2.0_FATEngine"  'Kye's SD card engine
  vp    : "Conduit"                  ' transfers data to/from PC, 1 cog
  qs    : "QuickSample"              ' captures INA, variables, 1 cog @20 MHz
'  dbg   : "PasDebug"            'PASD debugger; needs a .dbg file

PUB Main                        ' Start up Display 
  vp.register(qs.sampleINA(@frame,1)) 'sample INA w/ 1 cog up to 20 MHz (MUST BE COG 0)
  optional_configure_viewport   ' optionally configure Viewport's interface                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  vp.share(@key,@id) 'share memory from 'key' to 'id';   END of VP commands <<===  
  print($100)                   ' show black on silver
'start graphic  and i2c drivers
  lcd_videobase := @screen
  lcd_colorbase := @vgacolors
  lcd_backlight:= 22  '1=bright, 16=medium, 32=dark

  i2c.initialize                'init touch controller                  ' TSC2003 touch IC
  Trk1buffer := Trk1base
  Trk2buffer := Trk1buffer + 80
  repeat 20     
  id := cognew(@Track1,@Trk1buffer)
'  id := cognew(@entry,@Trk1buffer)
  id := cognew(@Track2,@Trk2buffer)
'  id := cognew(@entry,@Trk2buffer)
'  id := dbg.start(31,30,@entry) ' <===  include for PASD debugger  <===
PUB optional_configure_viewport                                                                                                
  vp.config(string("var:io,key,id")) ' show these VARs
  vp.config(string("lsa:view=io,timescale=200ns,trigger=io[8]f")) ' trig on A8 falling


  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2011-02-08 12:14
    Hi Harley,
    I took your code, commented out all the objects I didn't have, and then ran it with ViewPort v4.55
    No Problem...
    (See attached for archive of what I did)
  • HShankoHShanko Posts: 402
    edited 2011-02-08 13:00

    Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem. My version is 4.2.7. Should that make any difference for using only LAS?

    I'll have to look over what your code vs. mine is to see what's in error. Frustrating when such happens; one is ready to work and some new barrier seems to come up. I figured I only needed to copy/paste and edit for what variables this program uses and it should go. Hours later no progress before I posted my problem.
  • HShankoHShanko Posts: 402
    edited 2011-02-09 17:47

    I downloaded VP ver 4.5.3 and after having to fiddle around with getting my source and associated files into into it's Tutorial, finally got it working today.

    Seems with every update, there is so much that has to be moved. Will have to reread the manual for the proper placement of files.

    Nice to note the Trigger polarity issue in LAS is fixed. Nice to see the red flag on triggering (Wait for Trigger) too.
  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2011-02-13 14:20
    Hi Harley,
    Glad you got it working! Sorry to "keep you on your toes" by changing things- that's the price you pay when I fix things :)
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