BST question

I've been happily using BST on my MacBook Pro until today when I somehow got into OVR (overstrike) mode and can't figure out how to get out of it. Does anyone know how to get back from overstrike to insert mode on a Mac?
Edit: Never mind. I found it in the "Edit" menu under "Cursor Mode". I'm not sure why I didn't notice that the first time I looked at the "Edit" menu. Sorry!
Edit: Never mind. I found it in the "Edit" menu under "Cursor Mode". I'm not sure why I didn't notice that the first time I looked at the "Edit" menu. Sorry!
Sometimes my BST on Debian decides to go into block selection mode when I highlight things with a cursor drag.
Never did find out how to toggle that mode on and off.
I did not find any way of setting that font size anywhere in the tool or the .bst_ini file