Superbowl (Yeah Packers!) halftime LED light strip costumes
So if you saw the halftime show (no comment...) of the Packers' big win yesterday, you saw dancers wearing costumes with LED light strips on them. They flashed in different colors, coordinated across the dancers. How did they do that? RF receivers in each costume?
I'm imagining each costume having the LEDs, a pretty decent battery pack, and a microprocessor attached to an RF receiver, and then a central processor somewhere sending out the patterns.
(Yes, this post was largely just an excuse to brag about the Packers)
I'm imagining each costume having the LEDs, a pretty decent battery pack, and a microprocessor attached to an RF receiver, and then a central processor somewhere sending out the patterns.
(Yes, this post was largely just an excuse to brag about the Packers)
I REALY want to know how Cause my 2ed major is in costuming .
And I have a sight obsession with light up clothes ...
If, you understand the way DMX works, one of the 512 addresses can be assigned to a dancer lighting board or a stage light. This means, that each dancer in this case has a DMX address assigned to them.
And I also was intrigued by the halftime show's costuming, thanks for the explanation bsnut!
so more then one Freq would be needed ...and a sepriat DMX conttoller . only the TIme code could be shared .
It's a shame that the Packers winning it ruined the whole thing. ;-)
For the performers, they could have easily used RF/DMX and that would make sense for them so they wouldn't have to fiddle with the controls.
Those led outfits have nothing on me.
I designed an outfit made out of ELwire, controlled by the SX chip over 5 years ago, MEH.
It has various operation modes.
Never mind the above reply, continue talking apathetically about Smile that doesn't matter..... and Taboo both were running pre-programmed DMX code fed off SD card.
For more info: visit our "making of the LED Suit" page at:
Great Eyes all!
I did a simalar thing for CATS the musical in LA a few years ago . for " Mr Misto "
It was loads of fun being involved with a Pro Show . And to see your work on a real stage..
Peter .
By, the way Creativelighting welcome to the forums and that's for the great post.
I agree with others that the LEDs look cool.
What I want to know is. . . Did those "cube heads" look better in the show than they do in the still photos? I sure hope so.
Okay, for a more on topic question. I know LED are much cooler than incandescents but they still get hot. How do they keep Taboo from getting burned or uncomfortably hot?
I read the first link, now I'm off to read the link Creativelighting posted. Maybe it is explained there. Actually I'll do that first.
Guess I have to wait. The linked page says "Details Forthcoming!"
Wouldn't that many LEDs present a cooling challenge?
PWM + persistence of vision = bright looking leds that run cool.
Those leds are most likely not the luxen 3's or rebels(which run very hot)
Thank you for the welcome also William!
Don Perkins / Creative Lighting Solutions (