Any Propeller Consultants in Houston TX?
we have a product in the final stages of development that makes extensive use of the Propeller chip in both spin and assembly. Unfortunately the Engineer who designed and has been primarily programming it, has been sent on to other tasks and we are now looking for someone to come in, clean up and finish the code.
The product is basically a hi-speed acquisition and data router. The code is working fine today, but there is a lot of cleaning up to do with objects that are no longer used and many objects that are redundant in their functions. Most of the routines are written in assembly, use all of the cogs simultaneously with a lot of inter-cog communication.
An experienced Propeller programmer could complete the job in 2-3 weeks.
So we are looking for a consultant in the Houston area that would be available to come in and finish up this part of the product. If you feel you have the qualifications, please reply to this post.
we have a product in the final stages of development that makes extensive use of the Propeller chip in both spin and assembly. Unfortunately the Engineer who designed and has been primarily programming it, has been sent on to other tasks and we are now looking for someone to come in, clean up and finish the code.
The product is basically a hi-speed acquisition and data router. The code is working fine today, but there is a lot of cleaning up to do with objects that are no longer used and many objects that are redundant in their functions. Most of the routines are written in assembly, use all of the cogs simultaneously with a lot of inter-cog communication.
An experienced Propeller programmer could complete the job in 2-3 weeks.
So we are looking for a consultant in the Houston area that would be available to come in and finish up this part of the product. If you feel you have the qualifications, please reply to this post.