building a KeyPad
i have an old wireless phone that has the keypad on a seperate board. it has nine connector pins to connect to.
Can anyone tell me what i need to get this to interface to a basic stamp 2 and a propeller..
From the pictures attached, it looks like it has a resistor for each key..
Can anyone tell me what i need to get this to interface to a basic stamp 2 and a propeller..
From the pictures attached, it looks like it has a resistor for each key..

When I used the object I had to add 0.1uF capacitors to each column pin to get to work correctly (I think my wires were too long).
I wrote an object that stores the keypresses until they are asked for by the main object. I can set the time I want the keypress to stay valid so old keypresses can be ignored.
If you want I'll dust it off and post it. I'm pretty sure I posted it once but the version I posted had some bugs. I never did get the cleaned up version posted to OBEX. Let me know if you're interested in it.
The 4x4 keypad object should give you a good idea on how to hook up your keypad.