Prop and Sabertooth 2x10 motor driver
First off I wanted to say I love the propeller and its possibilities. There is so much that I can do with this chip, but first things first. I am trying to control a Sabertooth 2x10 motor controller with the prop, but nothing seems to be working. According to the documentation, it can be controlled by either serial commands, or pulses in the 1000 to 2000 microsecond range. I have tried both, but neither are working for me. I have searched all over for a solution so you guys are my last hope. I know the motor controller works because I hooked it up to a Pot and controlled it that way.
I would really like to get the serial option working. I tried using the "Simple_Serial.spin" file to set the baud and send the commands, but there is no response. I don't really understand how the serial communications work, nor do I know which of the hundreds of serial spin files to use. Any help would be great.
I would really like to get the serial option working. I tried using the "Simple_Serial.spin" file to set the baud and send the commands, but there is no response. I don't really understand how the serial communications work, nor do I know which of the hundreds of serial spin files to use. Any help would be great.
Hope this helps.
My other question, then, is can I use the "Simple_Serial.spin" file and use the following code to send the appropriate signals: