C3 Full Kit and Questions

Hello Everyone and thanks for reading. Generaly I am a lurker here but have learned a lot from reading the guru's here. Received the Full kit last tuesday, great item kept me busy all week! Thanks to all involved with its development and getting it to market, Great job everyone. A special thanks to Kristina S.@ Parallax for her correcting my order mess up.
The product is high quality, great working software and documentation. Now comes the rub! T have several questions.
1) The test suite will sometimes indicate a failed Flash, other times its ok after I dl another program to the props ram.. After this a reboot, run the suite from rom and its ok and passes. Also if I run the program to write/read the flash I get NO errors. I have reflashed the rom, so any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated!
2) If I want to power from a Wall Wart all the time with the USB cable attached what do I need to do? I admit I havent studdied the schematics very well but I am more of an RF man vs the digital. Any comments welcome!
Off to get Zog or Catalina running on it!
Thanks in advance..
The product is high quality, great working software and documentation. Now comes the rub! T have several questions.
1) The test suite will sometimes indicate a failed Flash, other times its ok after I dl another program to the props ram.. After this a reboot, run the suite from rom and its ok and passes. Also if I run the program to write/read the flash I get NO errors. I have reflashed the rom, so any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated!
2) If I want to power from a Wall Wart all the time with the USB cable attached what do I need to do? I admit I havent studdied the schematics very well but I am more of an RF man vs the digital. Any comments welcome!
Off to get Zog or Catalina running on it!
Thanks in advance..
1. It could be a number of things. A tiny bug in my test code (which I haven't seen), there is a slightly cold solder joint on the flash, or the flash is bad. If you feel comfortable with soldering, I would put some flux on the FLASH and re-heat the pins then spray the board with some electronics wash and blow it off. And just clean the board in general, you never know if there is some metal making a tinie tiny short or arc between pins, I have seen hair like micro fibers cause intermitent shorts before.
2. You don't have to do anything, 9V DC, tip +, ring -. 2.1MM, 300mA or greater, it will be fine, however, if you want extra safety then plug the C3 into a hub to isolate it from the PC. But, plugging the external power and USB as the same time won't cause any damage.
As far as ZOG and catalina, should be as easy as downloading the code and reading the docs, seems like these things are working now pretty well.
On a hub can you stop power on a specific port and if so how? Is my RF life showing again?
Once again thanks and I love the board!
So, in general when working with hobby embedded systems that you are wiring circuits to, use a USB hub, just to be safe. And you get the second benefit you can draw much larger amount of current per ports, since your PC is not supplying the power.
Thanks for the reply on the hubs they work like I thought just hopeing I could disable a specific port, I always hated power contention problems. I do have it run through a hub.
In examining the traces on the board they all look a little dull so I assume its the lead free solder? Some interesting additional observations. If I send the test suite to prop ram I never get a flash failure! I tried this anout 10 + times. If I send it to EEPROM then it fails 75% of time. However if once in EEPROM and I press the reset button I never get a failure, Power off, wait then power on it fails again. What am I doing wrong? Also I loaded Spinix into EEPRON and SD card no issues???
Thanks again!
However, don't focus too much on the test program. Also, try a hub, or another USB port for kicks, the programming technique for the Prop is based on TIME and time is very flaky with USB ports, and it could be a timing issue that is causing this, so try another USB port, or get a $5 hub at the store (which is good to have anyway).
So if I run the C3 through a USB hub I am safe powering the C3 from a wall wart?
Thanks for your patience!!!
But, my policy is that if you are hacking hardware, even a parallel port, I NEVER use the built int parallel port, I spend $19 and get a PCI parallel port card, that way if I short something I don't damage my mother board.
That's all - we aren't end users and we are sticking things on these dev kits and experimenting and might do something we are not supposed to, thus a modicum of insurance can't hurt. That said, if you aren't mucking around using the external and USB at the same time will be fine if you just want to "see" it work. I have been using it like that for over a year, and over 1000 units are out there with this power design not one has failed. Even works with XBOX 360, Macs, etc. with USB + external power all combos.
Thanks again and the C3 is a great board!
Windows or Linux?