Switch Logic Design
I'm trying to get the basic stamp to recognize shaft rotation direction by using the sequence of two switches, 01-11-10 being one direction, and the other being 10-11-01. This program tokenizes but I have not yet tried it. I'm wondering if this is the best way to do this?
I'm trying to get the basic stamp to recognize shaft rotation direction by using the sequence of two switches, 01-11-10 being one direction, and the other being 10-11-01. This program tokenizes but I have not yet tried it. I'm wondering if this is the best way to do this?
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} DO IF ( IN0 = 1 ) AND ( IN1 = 0 ) THEN 'first switches on, second off IF ( IN0 = 1 ) AND ( IN1 = 1 ) THEN ' both on IF ( IN0 = 0 ) AND ( IN1 = 1 ) THEN 'first off, second on HIGH 14 PAUSE 1000 LOW 14 ENDIF ENDIF IF ( IN1 = 1 ) AND ( IN0 = 0 ) THEN 'reverse action IF ( IN1 = 1 ) AND ( IN0 = 1 ) THEN IF ( IN1 = 0 ) AND ( IN0 = 1 ) THEN HIGH 15 PAUSE 1000 LOW 15 ENDIF ENDIF LOOP END
I'll post an example shortly....
Below is a portion of some code I wrote with his help. I've generalized it for you so it may not run as typed and it reads 4 inputs instead of just 2.
Here's a link to a post with my full original code.
Perhaps smarter people will chime in soon!
You will probably need to debounce the switch inputs ( see them in a certain state for a set length of time ) . At first glance and not knowing exactly how the switches operate my inclination would be to just do two checks , the first would be both switches at logic level 1 , seeing this state I would move on and wait for a change in either bit 0 or bit 1 , whichever went low would indicate direction. Once direction is determined go back to looking for both switches at logic level 1.
Pauls example can certainly be adapted to do the above , I particularly like the way he has used IND , in case you have not checked it out yet take a look at INS , OUTS and DIRS under Memory and Variables in the PBasic help file these instructions allow you to read/write all or some of the16 I/O simultaneously
Jeff T.