Propellor on 5 hole breadboard?
I am trying to assemble the 40pin version of the propellor kit on a 5 hole breadboard I already own. Are there any resources (anyone done this who can post pics?) or do I need to order the right sized breadboard? Ideally, a modified diagram similar to the one in the propellor education kit is what I am looking for.
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keyboard input, vid out, sd socket, headers for spare pins to come.
it cost about $21 canadian for moost of it but used spare and salvaged parts.
i have PROPDOS burned on the eeprom.
I'm very fond of the Parallax breadboards because of this feature. They are the only ones I've ever seen that have 6 contacts in each row instead of 5. I stock up on a few more every so often when I place orders with Parallax.
You will be able to build the circuit using a breadboard with only 5 contacts per row, but you will have to rearrange things slightly if you are trying to follow the documentation. If you understand the actual connections that are being made and don't just try to follow the picture it should not be too difficult.
I looked through the PEK again and I didn't see any examples of using all six holes.
I've set up 40 pin DIP Props on my five hole breadboards many times. I never noticed the breadboards in the pictures have six holes. I don't think it should be any problem to use your five hole breadboards.
I think I'll make sure and add some of Parallax's breadboards to my next order.
Let us know if you still have trouble. If needed, I'll set up a Prop and take some pictures using my breadboard.
Make sure and double check your wiring using the schematic in the PEK. Don't just rely on the pictures.
I agree the zero ohms across VDD and ground is something to be concerned about.
I can't really see how everything is connected in your photo.
Be aware, if you have different regulators than those used in the PEK, the pin outs may be different.
This is how I thought it should be wired from the diagram in the manual. If some kind person wouldn't mind, can they post a picture of how this should be connected on a 5 hole breadboard? I suspect that I may have something crucial connected wrong due to my limited knowledge in reading schematics.
Do you know how the breadboard is connected inside? Each group of five holes is connected together.
The sides are connected to form power buses. Some boards the power bus only goes half way down the board so you'll need a small jumper wire to continue the bus all the way down the board.
Do you know how to tell the positive and negative sides of the capacitors? How about the LED?
The trickest part I think is keeping the pins of the regulators straight (in your head, I'm not worried about bent pins).
According the datasheets these regulator have the ground pin in the center. Do you have a wire connecting both ground pins?
The left pin (with the large tab away from you) is the input pin. The right pin is the output (either 5V or 3.3V). Hopefully this will make following the schematic easier to follow.
Let us know if you are still having trouble.
If someone else doesn't help you more, I'll be able to this weekend.
Back to my day job.
I think the PEK does a good job of showing and telling how to set up the Prop but I do think the power supply portion of the wiring isn't completely clear.
You want the positive lead of a capacitor connected to the Vout of each regulator. The Vout of the 5V regular is connected to the Vin of the 3.3V regulator. (So the 3.3V regulator has a capacitor on both its Vin (shared with 5V Vout) and Vout.)
The negative lead of each capacitor is connected to ground (somewhere either the ground bus or the where a center regulator is connected).
Let's make sure you get this figured out. The Prop is just too much fun not to use.
What mode on the multimeter are you using to check for shorts? Ohms? Diode check? Continuity (buzzer)? Does it show ohms or voltage drop and if so what value? Sometimes I try reversing the leads (polarity) to see if its a genuine short, or just a diode conducting somewhere which can indicate a backwards IC or regulator
Once you get past the short circuit issue, you'll probably be fine. But if you get some glitches or weird results there are two features most prop circuits have that seem to be omitted here - a pullup resistor (2 to 10kohm) on the SDA line (P29 on the prop), and one or two 100nF ceramic bypass capacitors right at the prop power pins
I think the wiring diagram (Figure 3-5) doesn't quite show the capacitors clear enough. Hole L3 of the center board holds the positive lead to a capacitor. It looks like it could be a wire to the ground bus (it's not). The negative lead of the same capacitor is connected to the ground bus.
I looks like the positive lead of the other capacitor is connected to K5 (any hole in line with Vout of the 3.3V regulator will work). The negative lead is connected to J6 (any ground will do).
I think the rest of the diagram is clear.
I think that I will try to pull everything off that is not part of the power regulator and go from there. I'll post my results.
Also, my breadboard does have the break in the power busses and I do have the proper jumpers in place.
You might have already seen this but in case not here is "The Box Insert 40Pin DIP" attached PDF.
I think that might be it. Look closely at the PDF. The crystal is plugged into the rows between the +V and GND. Is yours connected to +V and GND?
I finally traced the connection to the crystal. It's metal underside was contacting the power feed at that side of the propellor and preventing it from getting any power. The ground lead was missing on the other side so there was obviously no power there. I have corrected all the wiring errors and it now works!