computer to motor?
I have recently started an engineering course and I need some help. The teacher is not very knowledgable, so I was hoping someone here could help me. Last year the students built a robot and took it apart. they used a small computer to controll the motors that moved the robot, connected to the internet through a switch and used a webcam to send a video feed. They have dismanteled the robot, and we're supposed to recreate what they have done. We've got this motor controller hooked up to the motos and a car battery. We have some boe bots with basic stamp 2.5 on them. How would i go about connecting a computer to the motors through the controller? can you load code on the go from a computer to the basic board? we want to use the computer to connect to a network and controll it wirelessly through it. any thoughts? ideas? links to where i can find more info?
There's a serial connection between a Stamp and a PC used for programming. It can also be used to send data back and forth. Typically, you don't "load code on the go" because the Stamp stops doing anything else while a new program is being downloaded. The program already in the Stamp sends data to the PC using SEROUT or DEBUG and the PC sends data to the Stamp using SERIN or DEBUGIN. Look at the Stamp Manual chapters on these statements for explanations and examples.
For controlling a Stamp wirelessly, you could use xBee transceivers, one on the Stamp and the other on the PC. Parallax has plenty of on-line information on xBee use. You could also use something like the PINK (now sold by the manufacturer, NetBurner) along with a WiFi Ethernet converter. The xBee is easier to use. There are other WiFi-based solutions that you can find for sale in Circuit Cellar or Nuts and Volts magazine, but you'd be on your own.