Machining, or parts sources
I am trying to find an economic way to produce some parts. I received one quote for my probe as shown in the pdf, however, it came back -
Probe 3 for $975 total, or 10 for $2100 total
Cap 3 for $420 total, or 10 for $700 total.
This seems a bit out of line to me, I can build one probe on a standard lathe in less than a days work.
Anyway, first question, I have looked high and low for caps, I have a feeling the knurled cap is an off the shelf cap, but at this point I am unable to find any.
Second, what would be the minimum CNC setup I would need for this? This requires thread cutting.
Any other thoughts on parts sourcing or machining would be appreciated.
Probe 3 for $975 total, or 10 for $2100 total
Cap 3 for $420 total, or 10 for $700 total.
This seems a bit out of line to me, I can build one probe on a standard lathe in less than a days work.
Anyway, first question, I have looked high and low for caps, I have a feeling the knurled cap is an off the shelf cap, but at this point I am unable to find any.
Second, what would be the minimum CNC setup I would need for this? This requires thread cutting.
Any other thoughts on parts sourcing or machining would be appreciated.
I'll do it for less!
I'll talk it through with my toolmaker on Monday and will PM you with a quote and leadtime ...
T o n y
You didn't mention anything about diameter, thread size, etc. How adaptable can you be as far as making something off-the-shelf work? For the knurled cap, I'm thinking of the screw-on collars from connectors like these:
I have passed the drawings to our machining group for a rough CnC production quote.
Peter (pjv)
GOOD NIGHT!!!!! What are they thinking!!??
I don't have the problem that you have, because the trolleycar museum (Baltimore Streetcar Museum) that I belong to, we make our own parts. Because, we have our own machine shop.
If, you want you can buy your own small mill,lathe, the tooling and you are in business making your own parts. The good thing is, you can find this all on internet under machine shop for hobbyists and even you can make your own CNC mill or lathe.
You better off having a friend of yours make your parts for you.