PropBox PCBs for sale!
I'm selling these Propeller PCBs for $17. They come bare except for the SD card connector (and one capacitor), which are pre-installed. I'll post the Digikey part numbers for all the other parts you need to build it.

The boards have these features when fully populated:
SD card (full size)
Ethernet using ENC28J60
Expanded I/O using PCA9554N
Real-time clock with battery backup
Spare EEPROM socket
The boards are designed so that they will fit inside an extruded aluminum case from Hammond.
Using a custom front panel from FrontPanelExpress, it makes for a fairly professional looking enclosure.
It comes with the SD card connector pre-installed for 2 reasons. First, the SD card is the only component you can't get from Digikey (Mouser has them). The other reason that it will come with the SD card and a capacitor installed is to fix errors with the board.
I've documented most of the design of the board in this thread:
To order, just send an email to and I'll send a Paypal invoice. Shipping via USPS Priority Mail is $5.

The boards have these features when fully populated:
SD card (full size)
Ethernet using ENC28J60
Expanded I/O using PCA9554N
Real-time clock with battery backup
Spare EEPROM socket
The boards are designed so that they will fit inside an extruded aluminum case from Hammond.
Using a custom front panel from FrontPanelExpress, it makes for a fairly professional looking enclosure.
It comes with the SD card connector pre-installed for 2 reasons. First, the SD card is the only component you can't get from Digikey (Mouser has them). The other reason that it will come with the SD card and a capacitor installed is to fix errors with the board.
I've documented most of the design of the board in this thread:
To order, just send an email to and I'll send a Paypal invoice. Shipping via USPS Priority Mail is $5.
My panel is supposed to come Monday.
I'd like to offer the front panels, but decided not to for a couple reasons; they're very expensive (~$50) even in volume and I think people would want to pick their own colors and special options rather than save $10.
The board doesn't include an audio circuit, but I'll just solder in a couple capacitors resistors to make a simple audio output circuit for powered speakers.
One note: The board has a place to solder in an RCA jack for video, but it won't fit in the Hammond metal case anymore if you do that. I'm just going to run a wire from that jack to the panel mount RCA jack.
Just got the front panel today. Here's what it looks like in real life: