Is NTSC vs PAL an issue with users outside of the US?

Some of the my current work uses a TV driver which is based on NTSC video output.
How much of an issue is it to users outside of the US? I'm getting the feeling that most modern televisions support the NTSC standard. Should I be digging out my video capture card and working out the PAL standard in the driver? Or is this a non-issue which has been solved by modern technology?
How much of an issue is it to users outside of the US? I'm getting the feeling that most modern televisions support the NTSC standard. Should I be digging out my video capture card and working out the PAL standard in the driver? Or is this a non-issue which has been solved by modern technology?
The argument that most modern PAL TV's will handle NTSC doesn't hold up IMO simply because not all do and not all do it well, plus the loss of those extra scan lines is simply undesirable. It's simply ducking the issue. Not to mention that PAL is a superior system to NTSC and usually noticeably so on a PAL TV of any quality.
1. Perhaps there are problems with some PAL drivers
2. PAL gives more lines of characters
3. NTSC is not really a problem in Australia any more IMHO
I'm not sure and it would take someone who understands PAL, the Prop video drivers and hardware to answer that with any authority.
AIUI, the hardware video output isn't quite right when run from a 5MHz crystal, but that could be a driver issue. I also recall some comment on a ( PropGFX ? ) thread that there was some subtle issue in the drivers which when corrected improved PAL quality. The discussions were a while ago so I don't exactly remember.
To be fair to the Prop; PAL does work, just doesn't work as perfectly as it perhaps should.
We have a reasonable PAL template from Parallax and Eric Ball. In monochrome, PAL is a good thing, just because it's got more vertical resolution, and it's blanking time is longer. But, in color, it's just kind of crappy on the Prop, compared to the excellent NTSC output. IMHO, the older discussions, and my own testing with PAL devices shows me that PAL is extremely picky about it's color burst reference. The mechanics of generating the signal are not difficult on the Prop, but getting a good signal is, because of accuracy issues. PLL jitter, in particular.
To get really great looking PAL, it's pretty much necessary to run off some multiple of the PAL colorburst, and that tends to clock the Props either a bit slow, or a bit fast. 4 or 8 mhz.
I have found that getting a driver running to look better requires tweaking, and that tweaking varies by crystal or target device, it seems. All of the PAL color output I've seen has banding and rippling in it, because of that. I've never seen a signal that looks good, or great though. I find there is a lot of variance, in that I can tweak one board, and have it look reasonable, then try another setup, and it looks Smile.
One other issue is how the driver signal is built. There are several bits of core code one can start from, each with trade-offs. Some of those have PAL output, or a PAL alternative, and others don't, or operate differently generating PAL, which makes higher level driver code difficult to move from one format to another. In general, things built from the Parallax driver can get some PAL output, because the core driver does PAL, but do so poorly. NTSC allows for a very simple signal output, and a fair amount of code written against those simple signals too. Those are a rewrite to make work in PAL, IMHO.
If the signal quality was better, I would be inclined to help port some stuff, but I've not seen that happen with any consistency. Maybe there is a xtal frequency that is some nice in-between multiple that could clock the prop somewhere between 80 and 104 Mhz that makes sense. Often, I've wondered about that. If the jitter can be minimized, PAL is going to look a lot better, IMHO.
From a spec perspective, TV.spin (and my PAL template) don't generate a perfect 135/225 degree colorburst. This probably only affects the actual hues produced and not the color stability. Although it is possible to generate the correct colorburst, it makes palette generation much more difficult as a simple XOR $80 can't be used to alternate the colors.
Just to clarify one item mentioned by Cluso regarding horizontal resolution. Although a PAL line is nominally longer than NTSC (64usec versus 63.555us), there's no significant visible difference (especially given overscan). However, from a Propeller driver perspective, a PAL line is 4540 PLLA clocks while NTSC is 3640 PLLA clocks. So if the driver isn't CPU clock constrained, it is possible for the Propeller to generate higher resolution. The higher colorburst frequency also means higher luma resolution without color artifacts. (Line averaging might also reduce color artifacts.)
Some of my NTSC drivers can't be modified for PAL because they don't use the video generator in composite video mode, so handling the alternating colorburst phase becomes next to impossible. High resolution drivers, even if they use composite video mode, may not have enough cycles to modify the color register on the fly. There are also differences at the frame level which makes a single driver which handles both PAL and NTSC more complex.
@potatohead, I'm looking forward to being able to communicate with VGA with the ease that we are currently using the TV drivers. That tile driver may be just the trick.