Can't Detect Demo Board?
Hello All,
EDIT: Everything is working now. Don't why though.
I'll try and make a long story short. I was playing with Python and the Prop Demo Board code below is whats now in the EEPROM now and the Prop works its out-putting to the TV. I was in Ubuntu using BST I all the sudden I couldn't detect the Prop I figured because of the repeat out of the serial port. This happened once before so I switched to windows and was able to detect it with the Propeller Tool. I loaded a DoNothing program at the time and told myself don't do that again. About a month goes by and I got the Demo Board out to try Bean's Embedded Basic. So I guess I hit F10 instead of F11.:frown: Anyway I can't get anything to detect it now. Is it something I did or a BO Board. I think I killed it. I pulled out the crystal and tried that but nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
All the lights seem to be working and I can detect my HYDRA and PEK board. Is there something else I can try I'm out of ideas.
EDIT: Well for what ever reason it works now... Thanks anyways.
EDIT: Everything is working now. Don't why though.
I'll try and make a long story short. I was playing with Python and the Prop Demo Board code below is whats now in the EEPROM now and the Prop works its out-putting to the TV. I was in Ubuntu using BST I all the sudden I couldn't detect the Prop I figured because of the repeat out of the serial port. This happened once before so I switched to windows and was able to detect it with the Propeller Tool. I loaded a DoNothing program at the time and told myself don't do that again. About a month goes by and I got the Demo Board out to try Bean's Embedded Basic. So I guess I hit F10 instead of F11.:frown: Anyway I can't get anything to detect it now. Is it something I did or a BO Board. I think I killed it. I pulled out the crystal and tried that but nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
''Python to Prop(Read) CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 VAR byte r OBJ term : "tv_terminal" ser : "parallax serial terminal" PUB start | i 'start the tv terminal term.start(12) term.out(2) ser.startrxtx(31, 30, 0, 9600) 'print a string term.str(@title) repeat ser.str(String("This is the Propeller Speaking ")) waitcnt(clkfreq * 2 + cnt) DAT title byte "Welcome to Python to Prop(PTP)... Sending data to Python",13,13,0
All the lights seem to be working and I can detect my HYDRA and PEK board. Is there something else I can try I'm out of ideas.

EDIT: Well for what ever reason it works now... Thanks anyways.