New Tutorial: Reading voltage with the Prop
Just put up a new tutorial on reading voltage with the Propeller - it's here. I cover sigma delta & using an ADC (MCP3208 in particular). I also talk about RC decay as an alternative for reading resistive & capacitive sensors. Here's a video intro & look at sigma delta;
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Let me know if you have any questions, and if you spot any errors, let me know so I can fix 'em!
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Let me know if you have any questions, and if you spot any errors, let me know so I can fix 'em!
Pretty cool stuff, thanks.
Twice you say voltage, but once you say current. Is the circuit measuring voltage, or current, or a combination or both? (Sorry, I'm a software guy). It this like RC time from PBASIC, where its measuring the time it takes the voltage on the I/O pin to drop below the LOW threshold (is this "below 1.8 volts is LOW" and "above 2.8 volts is high"?)
It says 11 bits of resolution. It the display is scaled so that the wave varies by 11 pixels?
At the end of the video, you say "you may not see it when you look at it" I think you mean the intensity of the light as it varies due to the AC current. But the intensity of the incandescent blub does not go down to zero, so the circuit is measure the few percent change in intensity for each AC cycle? Can we determine how much it varies in terms of some units (is it lumens?)
For the video demo, you're correct, the bulb doesn't go to zero. the wire heats up and it's continually emitting photons, although the intensity changes a bit. You could determine how much it changes - a proper photodiode will have a spec sheet telling you the relationship between luminosity & voltage output. The video display was hacked together from the 'microphone-to-vga.spin' in the Propeller tool download, but 11 bits of resolution = 2,048 possible values(2^11), not 11.
For RC decay, you've got it - works the exact same way as pbasic.