Considering the release a Joystick hack Object

You guys have been very helpful with a project I have been doing so I would like to return the favor. My project is currently using a USB Logitech Joystick as linked:

When you take it apart, you can remove the internal USB board and either simply plug in your own breadboard wires or even find the correct connection to make a PCB if you wish. There is enough space in there for a Prop on a custom made PCB if you wish to do so.
The joystick operates strangely in that the buttons aren't connected to high or low, but instead are pulsed on phases so that fewer wires can be used for the manufacturer. In order to get best use of this I made an assembly program, which is my first assembly program and also the first thing done almost "prefessional" enough to release.
Could you guys look over this and see if you like the idea? And also comment on what I need to change to make this releaseable.
Obviously it will need some sort of schematic.

When you take it apart, you can remove the internal USB board and either simply plug in your own breadboard wires or even find the correct connection to make a PCB if you wish. There is enough space in there for a Prop on a custom made PCB if you wish to do so.
The joystick operates strangely in that the buttons aren't connected to high or low, but instead are pulsed on phases so that fewer wires can be used for the manufacturer. In order to get best use of this I made an assembly program, which is my first assembly program and also the first thing done almost "prefessional" enough to release.
Could you guys look over this and see if you like the idea? And also comment on what I need to change to make this releaseable.
Obviously it will need some sort of schematic.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ADC_dpin = 1 ADC_cpin = 2 ADC_spin = 0 rudderc = 0 aileronc = 1 elevatorc = 2 throttlec = 3 OBJ AD : "MCP3208_fast_ADC" DB : "FullDuplexSerial" VAR long Shared word rudder, aileron, elevator, throttle long stack[256] PUB Start AD.Start(ADC_dpin, ADC_cpin, ADC_spin, 0) 'Start ADC DB.Start( 31, 30, 0, 57600) 'Start Parallax Serial Terminal communication cognew(@entry, @Shared) 'Begin running Assembly code cognew(Check_Act, @stack[0]) 'Check status of joystick and act Pub Check_Act dira[27]~~ outa[27]~ dira[26]~~ outa[26]~ repeat rudder := AD.In(rudderc) 'Get ADC value of Rudder aileron := AD.In(aileronc) 'Get ADC value of Aileron elevator := AD.In(elevatorc) 'Get ADC value of Elevator throttle := AD.In(throttlec) 'Get ADC value of Throttle DB.Dec(Shared) 'Display status of Buttons DB.Str(String(13)) DB.Dec(rudder) 'Display Rudder value DB.Str(String(13)) DB.Dec(aileron) 'Display Aileron value DB.Str(String(13)) DB.Dec(elevator) 'Display Elevator value DB.Str(String(13)) DB.Dec(throttle) 'Display Throttle value DB.Str(String(13)) if shared & butt1 == butt1 'Check if trigger is pulled. Trigger is Button 1 outa[27]~~ 'Turn on light if trigger is pulled else outa[27] if shared & butt13 == butt13 and shared & butt14 == butt14 outa[26]~~ 'If HAT switch is pushed forward and right else 'turn on a light outa[26]~ DAT ORG 0 entry mov Mem, PAR or dira,pinn21 or outa,pinn21 or dira,pinn25 or outa,pinn25 or dira,pinn24 or outa,pinn24 {{ or dira,pinn10 Un comment this area in order to use or outa,pinn10 the 6 buttons on the base of the or dira,pinn15 joystick and the throttle or outa,pinn15 or dira,pinn17 ALL AREAS OF CODE COMMENTED OUT BELOW CONTROL and outa,pinn17 JOYSTICK BASE. UNCOMMENT FOR THIS FUNCTION }} or dira,pinn27 and outa,pinn27 xor outa,pinn21 xor outa,pinn25 xor outa,pinn24 'xor outa,pinn10 'xor outa,pinn15 mov time,cnt 'Current clock loaded into time add time,delay 'delay added to time :Loop xor outa, pinn21 'Pin 21 PHASE 1 waitcnt time,delay mov temp, ina test temp, pinn23 wz '13 Hat Up if_z or button, butt13 if_nz andn button, butt13 test temp, pinn22 wz '14 Hat Right if_z or button, butt14 if_nz andn button, butt14 test temp, pinn19 wz '15 Hat Down if_z or button, butt15 if_nz andn button, butt15 test temp, pinn20 wz '16 Hat Left if_z or button, butt16 if_nz andn button, butt16 xor outa, pinn21 '-------------------------------------------------------------------- xor outa, pinn25 'Pin 25 PHASE 2 waitcnt time,delay mov temp, ina test temp, pinn20 wz '1 Trigger if_z or button, butt1 if_nz andn button, butt1 test temp, pinn19 wz '2 Secondary if_z or button, butt2 if_nz andn button, butt2 test temp, pinn22 wz '3 Bottom Left if_z or button, butt3 if_nz andn button, butt3 test temp, pinn23 wz '4 Bottom Right if_z or button, butt4 if_nz andn button, butt4 xor outa, pinn25 '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xor outa, pinn24 'Pin 24 PHASE 3 waitcnt time,delay mov temp, ina test temp, pinn20 wz '5 Top Left if_z or button, butt5 if_nz andn button, butt5 test temp, pinn19 wz '6 Top Right if_z or button, butt6 if_nz andn button, butt6 xor outa, pinn24 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{ xor outa, pinn10 'Pin 10 PHASE 4 waitcnt time,delay mov temp, ina test temp, pinn12 wz '7 if_z or button, butt7 if_nz andn button, butt7 test temp, pinn11 wz '8 if_z or button, butt8 if_nz andn button, butt8 xor outa, pinn10 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xor outa, pinn15 'Pin 15 PHASE 5 waitcnt time,delay mov temp, ina test temp, pinn13 wz '9 if_z or button, butt9 if_nz andn button, butt9 test temp, pinn14 wz '10 if_z or button, butt10 if_nz andn button, butt10 test temp, pinn12 wz '11 if_z or button, butt11 if_nz andn button, butt11 test temp, pinn11 wz '12 if_z or button, butt12 if_nz andn button, butt12 xor outa, pinn15 }} wrlong button, Mem jmp #:Loop ' Check trigger again using :loop button byte %000000000000000 shareds long %000000000000000 rudders long %000000000000000 ailerons long %000000000000000 elevators long %000000000000000 throttles long %000000000000000 delay long 5000 pinn21 long |< 21 'pinn10 long |< 10 pinn25 long |< 25 pinn24 long |< 24 'pinn15 long |< 15 'pinn17 long |< 17 pinn27 long |< 27 pinn20 long |< 20 pinn19 long |< 19 pinn22 long |< 22 pinn23 long |< 23 'pinn12 long |< 12 'pinn11 long |< 11 'pinn13 long |< 13 'pinn14 long |< 14 butt1 long |< 0 butt2 long |< 1 butt3 long |< 2 butt4 long |< 3 butt5 long |< 4 butt6 long |< 5 ' butt7 long |< 6 ' butt8 long |< 7 ' butt9 long |< 8 ' butt10 long |< 9 ' butt11 long |< 10 ' butt12 long |< 11 butt13 long |< 12 butt14 long |< 13 butt15 long |< 14 butt16 long |< 15 temp long 0 time Res 1 Mem Res 1
I can assure you that this object can drive a servo location and it's speed, it can read any combination of its buttons, and read every axis when those functions are added. They just are not included in this demo at the moment. I don't want you to feel you may be paying $30.00 for a joystick that won't work.
I will likely make a YouTube Video shortly.
Please comment as this is my first OBEX upload, I'd like to be sure I'm not missing anything.
Anyone who already owns this type of joystick please test this. See if the instructions are clear and if you can get it working easily your first attempt.
Someone with more electronics experience may know for example if a different pull up resistor value is more optimal.
Nice Project. My other Hobby the more expensive one is flying RC 3D Heli's. I was wondering are you planing on flying a RC plane or something with your rig. I think that would be neat to fly a RC plane with that set up. Just curious. Going to check out the new Object.
This joystick is fully hackable so you could use throttle for collective, and twist of the joystick for the tail collective. Plenty of buttons for all the channels on any plane. 16 buttons if I recall, plus I set it up so you can take any combination of those buttons.
But for general flight and motion control, even for Hydra games etc, this thing could be pretty cool. Plus with PWM etc it can be made to work on an Arduino or pretty much whatever someone happens to be using.