C3 or PPDB?

I am thinking about diving into the Prop world. Is the relationship between the C3 and the PPDB similar to the relationship between the OEM BS2 and the BOE with BS2?
My environment consists of PBasic and the SX-Key Development System. Will the Prop environment live nicely with my current configuration?
I am thinking about diving into the Prop world. Is the relationship between the C3 and the PPDB similar to the relationship between the OEM BS2 and the BOE with BS2?
My environment consists of PBasic and the SX-Key Development System. Will the Prop environment live nicely with my current configuration?
When it comes to the programming side of things. There is no relationship between the C3 and the PPDB, because the programming language is Spin or PASM and Basic Stamps are programmed in PBASIC.
I would download the PDF's for the C3 and the PPDB.
As I started doing more development work with Propeller, I found myself struggling with the 8 IO pins available on the demoboard and found myself not even using things on the board. I eventually bit the bullet and sold my PDB and bought the PPDB since I was moving away from the stamp. With the PPDB, I have a lot more flexibility as to what I can do with my projects. It can easily be wired up as a demoboard or a Hydra to check out programs people have loaded up. The PPDB is truly a development board and not for final projects obviously, so it is perfect for me since I spend a lot of time hacking on a project. When I complete a project on my PPDB, I then move it to a Protoboard or other "final project" style board.
As for the C3, I think your decision should also include your long term goals. The C3 will allow you to do quite a bit and I am tempted to call it the "new and improved demoboard", because using it to develop projects that need something other than what's on board will require connections through the expansion port which appears to be limited to easy access of just P0-P7.(just like the demoboard) On this Propeller C3 thread, Andre LaMothe stated:
I would say that if your goal is project development with the propeller, the PPDB should be your first choice. If your goal is learning how to use the propeller and developing projects is secondary, the Propeller Education Kit may be a better choice, but be prepared for a lot of breadboarding. Also, since you are coming from a Stamp background, be sure to look into PropBasic by Bean as this may be a better option for you to begin using the Prop.
Good luck!!!
I usually recommend this kit because it enables the user to build the whole Propeller setup. You have to make the regulator circuit, connect the EEPROM, the crystal, throw on a reset switch, etc... The benefit of this kit is that you then have the experience to make your own Propeller board for a fraction of the price(I can make a proto-board Prop setup for less than 20 bucks) AND it provides you with valuable info about how the hardware works, and how it is configured. That will help a lot when you are trouble-shooting. It was my first Propeller kit that i ever got and i constructed it without to much trouble, AND i was still a Basic Stamp/ Picaxe newbie, and i was only 18 at the time... If i could figure it out, you definitely can:).. If you really, really don't like the idea, my second choice would be the Propeller demo board.... Happy Propping!!!!:)
I just bought the PPDB and "Programming the Propeller with Spin: A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing."
Thanks for the help!
Take a look at this.
You'll like the PPDB.
Will the Propeller USB driver play nice with my SX and Stamp drivers?
As far as the FTDI driver you put on your computer it's the same for Parallax's other products. Not sure if that's answering your question.
No problem; I use the same PC for programming all three platforms.
You won't regret getting one.
Really the C3 and PPDB are for two different Propeller jobs. Used them both this ]weekend.
My PPDB was used for debugging a stereo audio design, the C3 is being used while I'm working from my easy chair thanks to it's being able to be run from USB.
Thanks. That's what I wanted to know.
I have a couple of PDBs and love them. When I built my multi-processor tracked robot, Ugly Buster, I prototyped his brains on a PDB with one of Robot Workshop's great SX48 modulesin the 40 pin socket and two OEM BS2s in the breadboard area. Ugly Buster eventually used an SX48 module and four OEM BS2 modules.
My next machine will doubtless use ONE Prop and have far more processor capability. Hopefully, it will also have my long-sought dream of a Parallax WiFi module, through which I will offload the heavy navigational chores to a PC.