Strange Propeller behavior
that happened to me few times. I am connecting GPS with MAX 232, as well as 3 axis accelerometer to my Propeller board. When I do that I can not communicate with Propeller. It is not recognized on its port by propeller toolkit. When I disonnect power from GPS or Max232 things are normal again. At the same time everything else seems to working properly with everything powered up. Data are read from GPS, send to serial port SD card etc.
Any ideas??
that happened to me few times. I am connecting GPS with MAX 232, as well as 3 axis accelerometer to my Propeller board. When I do that I can not communicate with Propeller. It is not recognized on its port by propeller toolkit. When I disonnect power from GPS or Max232 things are normal again. At the same time everything else seems to working properly with everything powered up. Data are read from GPS, send to serial port SD card etc.
Any ideas??
If you want to pursue this further, you really have to describe your whole setup, what's connected to what, etc.
As a prototype board is use :Propeller education kit
For 5V power - LM 2940 - ( from the kit)
I do take that power to GPS (ER411 - GlobalSat ) - measured current - 38-39mA
and MAX232 - measured current 5.2 mA
So it is not that much to create the problem (??). For now to program I simply disconect GPS and MAX, but it is strange.
Interesting that after downloading I connect everything, plus XBee and thing is working like a charm
TTL level output from my GPS (after passing via MAX232) was going into pin 31, yes and that is the problem - that is the same pin that Propeller use to comunicate with laptop and Propeller Tool.
Now I changed that pin to 27 and everything is working properly.
Silly error cost me 2h to solve.
Thanks for help