How do I go about home automation ?
Could I get some tips about controlling home with a microcontroller ? After watching this vid I thought be fun to try but how I dont really have a clue. I have found some searches that used/sold devices plugged in to power points and controlled via RF. Somehow I think the majority of you would ,if at all interested would be accomplishing this at a lower level, meaning better/not as expensive. I would like to hear from anyone who has done anything like this !
Also, you can get IR remotes and modules:
The wiring is way simpler. And if you really want to add some microcontroler brains there are serial interface devices.
Remember any one at your house has to be able to use the system too.
Some historical info worth reading can found at
Before that he spent some time with Byte Magazine
and the magazine he founded
X10 works, but can have problems with security or noise on the electrical line.
IR is excellent for remote control in one line of sight area.
Traditional LAN is useful if you want to have a lot of computers connected together, but has its own security issues if you are hooked to the web.
Another alternative, that I prefer is CANbus as it is isolated from the web; it has very simple and safe wiring demands; and it can be entirely independent of a LAN and web services.
I must admit that CANbus does require some study, but the Propeller OBEX library has objects for it. I doubt if you will have more than 20 nodes in one home, but it can handle far more - and it can handle nodes at some distance, like a garden gate or outbuildings or outdoor security lighting. There are also a variety of ways to prevent it being hacked into: [1] your own network setup, [2] choosing an oddball frequency for the crytals that drive the bus, [3] hiding cable installations. All the wire you need is a twisted pair, but you may want to add power in the same cable for backup from gel cells if your AC power goes completely out.
Take a look at Just Basic. This is a free basic compiler for a windows machine.(maybe MAC too, not sure) It works really well with the stamps and the propeller.
You can make a nice custom GUI (graphical human interface) This is icons on your computer screen. click the icon to turn on or off etc.
You can also collect data from the stamps or the propellers and send it back to the PC for display ,like temperature, door/window open or closed etc.
PM me and I can send you a demo for just basic.its really simple.
they seem to be one of the very few companies still offering lower cost, but still reasonably functional home automation products for the "everyman" out there.
how to mark solved ??
If it was adapted to any conventional home, the relay banks would allow you to centralize much of your home automation. As it is, isolated light switches are really a big problem to any computer interface. Just imagine how much easier and more interesting it would be if you had every light and every outlet centrally controlled by a relay near the circuit breaker box.
The industrial adaptation has 'light switches' that fit in conventional electrical boxes, but can also include indicator lights and are somewhat smaller than a conventional switch. This actually allows more switches to fit into on electrical box.
I hope my wife doesn't read that