With a propeller it is quite easy to do as long as you don't exceed with the data rate (probably a 10Hz GPS update rate could cause some troubles..). Anyway any GPS is good. You can find objects available on the Obex to do 90% of the job.
With a stamp you could use the GPS module 28146 in smart mode, ask for lat, and send it, then ask for long and send it. It will be slower and you'll have delays, but it will work.
I have been using XBees to transmit GPS data in rocket trackers. It works well, with the main caveat being that if you directly wire a GPS output to the XBee's Din pin, you will transmit each time the GPS outputs data, which may put a strain on your power supply. I've been doing that, with a GPS that updates once per second, so it can be done. Obviously a low-power XBee (the non-Pro models) would tax the power supply a lot less.
Obviously if you ran the data through a processor (Stamp or Prop, like Massimo suggests), you can transmit as frequently or infrequently as you want, and only transmit the data you want to use.
With a stamp you could use the GPS module 28146 in smart mode, ask for lat, and send it, then ask for long and send it. It will be slower and you'll have delays, but it will work.
Obviously if you ran the data through a processor (Stamp or Prop, like Massimo suggests), you can transmit as frequently or infrequently as you want, and only transmit the data you want to use.