AP-16+: A Little Help Bringing It Up, please?

I have a new AP-16+. Here is my configuration . . .
I am using a Panasonic Class 2 SD card under FAT.
I have 16 files on the SD card, labeled sfx01.wav through sfx15.wav.
I am using the recommended power supply.
There is an 8 ohm speaker attached to the speaker port of the AP-16+.
The only switch on DIP K in the ON position is number 6.
The "Status" LED is steady green.
Upon power up, I hear white noise in the speaker when the Status LED turns green. As I understand it, the file pointed to by the "Audio Select" rotary switch should launch when I press and release the "Start" button. Nothing happens.
I have also tried the following DIP K configurations with the same results . . .
off off off off off on (original)
off off off off on on
off off off on on on
I created my wav files by recording Voice Memos with my iPhone, e-mailing them to myself, and then using Quicktime Pro to export them to the wav format. Here is a very short wav I created using these steps.
Where am I going wrong?
I have a new AP-16+. Here is my configuration . . .
I am using a Panasonic Class 2 SD card under FAT.
I have 16 files on the SD card, labeled sfx01.wav through sfx15.wav.
I am using the recommended power supply.
There is an 8 ohm speaker attached to the speaker port of the AP-16+.
The only switch on DIP K in the ON position is number 6.
The "Status" LED is steady green.
Upon power up, I hear white noise in the speaker when the Status LED turns green. As I understand it, the file pointed to by the "Audio Select" rotary switch should launch when I press and release the "Start" button. Nothing happens.
I have also tried the following DIP K configurations with the same results . . .
off off off off off on (original)
off off off off on on
off off off on on on
I created my wav files by recording Voice Memos with my iPhone, e-mailing them to myself, and then using Quicktime Pro to export them to the wav format. Here is a very short wav I created using these steps.
Where am I going wrong?
The AP-16+ works with STEREO files, not mono files. Therefore, my simple wav file conversion of an iPhone recording was only one step in the process. Using Audacity and following the instructions JonnyMac wrote, I easily converted the mono wav to a stereo wav that played on the AP-16+.
Thanks for thinking about this for me.
That would be nice for my particular application, which will use a lot of mono clips.
Now, I am trying to figure out the serial connection between the AP-16+ and a BOE. I need to know what it looks like, pin to pin. (Electronics is not my forte.
I got my AP16+ talking to the BOE this morning. I SHOULD say JonnyMac got my AP-16+ talking to the BOE this morning! The AP-16+ is a truly versatile device. I bet it's the cat's meow in the prop world (literally). I also have several "geewhiz" projects forming in my mind for my new grandson. AP-16+ devices will be right at the heart of them.
JonnyMac made absolutely sure that I understood--which takes a LOT of effort once I get my mind made up to confuse things--everything to HIS satisfaction (I have lower standards) before he turned me loose.
Jon, thank you for helping my lame brain. It is much appreciated.