Thank you Ron,
I know that link, but I cannot understand which one is the right file.
It is not possible to download the first one, the second is the Pbasic solution and I don't know what it means, the last two I tried to download but I could not install
What is the right file?
The first file is a link to a sourceforge page. Which is one way of programing the stamp in linux.
The second file is another way.
And the third and fourth link. Yet another way. You need both files the second one is the library. I just installed this option on my system and it appears to work but I have not plugged a stamp into it yet. There is a README file in the first file that has some instructions it assumes you know a little about how to compile a program in the terminal. If you have any specific questions after reading the README file I'll try to help. Perhaps this would be a good topic for a tutorial. HINT.
I downloaded the two files (library and pbasic compiler).
I open the first one and the file read me and quote what it says:
" to install this lib you need to follow de next step:
cp /usr/lib
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/"
I copied the last two rows in the terminal screen and the result is:
impossible to execute the stat of "" the file or directory does not exist.
Do I need to install anything else? The file read me says: "to compile you will need Kylix 3."
Then go to the folder you created click on the PBcompiler folder then the bin folder you should see a PBasic executable click it and it should work. You can create a launcher for the executable to make it easier to get to in the future.
I search it again the actual compiler is "Free Pascal" the package is called "fp-units-i386" which is used for compatibility with kylix. I must say I don't really understand all of it, but it worked for me. I did plug in a BS2 and it worked although the debug shows no text on my system. Here is a link to the website but it should be available in the software center for ease of installation. Try to search Free Pascal in the software center.
If you have access to a Windows machine the Basic Stamp Editor from Parallax is the best way IMO to program the stamp. If Ubuntu is your only choice do some reading on how to install programs. You have to have root privileges to install on Ubuntu. You can also post a question with a link to the software on the Parallax site on the Ubuntu Forums, there are a lot of people there with more knowledge about Ubuntu that are more than willing to help. Good Luck.
If anyone here can be of better help please chime in.
I know that link, but I cannot understand which one is the right file.
It is not possible to download the first one, the second is the Pbasic solution and I don't know what it means, the last two I tried to download but I could not install
What is the right file?
The second file is another way.
And the third and fourth link. Yet another way. You need both files the second one is the library. I just installed this option on my system and it appears to work but I have not plugged a stamp into it yet. There is a README file in the first file that has some instructions it assumes you know a little about how to compile a program in the terminal. If you have any specific questions after reading the README file I'll try to help. Perhaps this would be a good topic for a tutorial. HINT.
I open the first one and the file read me and quote what it says:
" to install this lib you need to follow de next step:
cp /usr/lib
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/"
I copied the last two rows in the terminal screen and the result is:
impossible to execute the stat of "" the file or directory does not exist.
Do I need to install anything else? The file read me says: "to compile you will need Kylix 3."
You have to first extract the files if you haven't already to a folder I named mine pbcompiler name it what you want.
In a terminal window use cd to navigate to the directory where you saved the files.
you have to be root to do this in the terminal type sudo -i then your password
then: hit ENTER that copy's the library to your library's
next hit ENTER that creates a symbolic link
Then go to the folder you created click on the PBcompiler folder then the bin folder you should see a PBasic executable click it and it should work. You can create a launcher for the executable to make it easier to get to in the future.
Let us know what happens.
Is it still available?
Ok I am starting to think to give up.
thanks a lot the same Ron
If anyone here can be of better help please chime in.